KSHS archeology publications
This is a list of Kansas Historical Society archeology publications. Many of the reports below are available as PDF documents via email at no cost, on CD, or, in some cases, as bound volumes. Bound reports and CDs are available for $4 each for shipping and handling. Please add appropriate local sales tax. Please make checks payable to: Kansas Historical Society. For questions contact 785-272-8681, ext. 240; KSHS.CulturalResources@ks.gov.
Obsidian Composition Data
Chemical composition data (PDF) from Hoard, Bevitt and McLean (2008) Source Determination of Obsidian from Kansas Archaeological Sites Using Compositional Analysis, Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, (2008) 111:3/4:219-229.
Rock Art
Kansas Rock Art. By Brian O'Neill, Topeka, Kansas: Kansas State Historical Society, 1981.
"Petroglyphs Lost at Indian Hill Site" Kansas Preservation 1987, 10(1): 7-8.
"Fallen Petroglyph is Retrieved at Wilson Lake" Kansas Preservation 1993, 15(5): 6-7.
"Erosion Claims Ellsworth County Petroglyphs" Kansas Preservation 1997, 19(5): 10-11.
"Overlooked Petroglyph Comes to Light" Kansas Preservation 1998, 20(5): 1, 8.
KSHS Anthropological Series
- Archeological Investigations of the Hell Creek Valley in the Wilson Reservoir, Russell and Lincoln Counties, Kansas. Thomas A. Witty, Jr. 1962.
- The Woods Avery and Streeter Archeological Sites, Milford Reservoir, Kansas. Thomas A. Witty, Jr. 1963.
- The Archeology of the Upper Verdigris Watershed.F.A. Calabrese. 1967.
- Archeological Survey of the Lower Salt and Plum Creek Valley Leavenworth, Kansas. Thomas A. Witty, Jr. and James O. Marshall. 1968.
- Excavation in the Pomona Reservoir. Roscoe Wilmeth. 1970.
- The Archeology of the Elk City Reservoir, a Local Archeological Sequence in Southeast Kansas. James O. Marshall. 1972.
- The Grasshopper Falls Phase of the Plains Woodland. John D. Reynolds. 1979.
- Salvage Archeology of the John Redmond Lake, Kansas. Larry J. Schmits, Bruce A. Jones, Thomas A. Witty, Jr., edited by Thomas A. Witty, Jr. 1980.
- The Cuesta Phase: A Settlement Pattern Study. William T. Brogan. 1981.
- The Slough Creek, Two Dog and William Young Sites, Council Grove Lake, Kansas. Thomas A. Witty, Jr. 1982.
- Four Archeological Sites of the Perry Lake, Kansas. Thomas A. Witty, Jr. 1983.
- The Cow Killer Site Melvern Lake, Kansas. John D. Reynolds. 1984.
- Jotham Meeker's Farmstead: Historical Archeology at the Ottawa Baptist Mission, Kansas. William B. Lees. 1986.
- The Archeology of Grove Reservoir, Kansas, 1969. John D. Reynolds. 1987.
- Birds, Beads & Bells: Remote Sensing of a Pawnee Sacred Bundle. Diane L. Good. 1989.
- Images in Osage: An Illustrated Guide to the Sylvester J. Tinker Collection. Diane L. Good. 1990.
- Sources of Smoky Hill Silicified Chalk in Northwest Kansas. Martin Stein. 2005.
- The Whiteford Site, or Indian Burial Pit: A Smoky Hill Phase Cemetery in Saline County. Donna C. Roper. 2006.
KSHS Contract Archeology Publications
- The Roth Site: An Early Pomona Focus Manifestation in Eastern Kansas. William T. Brogan. 1982.
- The Begin Ossuary, 14JW312, Jewell County, Kansas. Randall M. Thies. 1982.
- Arrowhead Island: A Middle Woodland Village in East Central Kansas. Randall M. Thies. 1985.
- Early and Middle Ceramic Remains at 14AT2: A Grasshopper Falls Phase House and Pomona Focus Storage Pits in Northeastern Kansas. Barry G. Williams. 1986.
- Pony Creek Archeology: Results of a Phase II Cultural Resources Survey, Pony Creek Watershed, Brown and Nemaha Counties, Kansas. William B. Lees. 1986.
- 14CT347: A Burned Rock Complex of Southeastern Kansas. Barry G. Williams. 1988.
- The Archeology of the Stigenwalt Site, 14LT351. Randall M. Thies. 1990.
- The Avoca Site (14JN332): Excavation of a Grasshopper Falls Phase Structure, Jackson County, Kansas. Timothy G. Baugh. 1991.
- Upper Delaware River and Tributaries Watershed: Results of Geomorphological and Archeological Studies in Atchison, Brown, Jackson, and Nemaha Counties, Kansas. Rolfe D. Mandel, John D. Reynolds, Barry G. Williams and Virginia A. Wulfkuhle. 1991.
- Phase II Cultural Resource Survey of High Potential Areas within the Southeast Kansas Highway Corridor. Timothy Weston. 1993.
- Cultural Resource Investigations for the US Highway 166 Corridor: Results of Phase II Archeological Survey and Geomorphological Study in Cowley and Chautauqua Counties, Kansas. Marlin F. Hawley. 1993.
- Phase IV Salvage Investigations at the Martin Farmstead (14RP322) in Republic County, Kansas. Christopher M. Schoen. 1994.
- Results of Phase III Archeological Investigations at the Midian Townsite 14BU381, Butler County, Kansas. Marsha K. King. 1996.
- Results of Phase III Archeological Investigations at the Shawnee Mill Site 14JO365 Johnson County, Kansas. Marsha K. King. 1996.
- Results of Phase IIIa Archival Investigations at 14LV389 in Leavenworth Landing Project Area Leavenworth County, Kansas. Marsha K. King. 1996.
- Phase III Archeological Investigations at 14DO81 Testing and Excavation of a Prehistoric Campsite in Northern Douglas County, Kansas. Christopher J. Benison. 1996.
- Fort Harker 14EW310 Ellsworth County, Kansas. Marsha K. King. 1997.
- Phase II Cultural Resource Survey of Low and Moderate Potential Areas Within the Southeast Kansas Highway Corridor. Timothy Weston, Ph.D. 1997.
- Cuesta Phase Sites of the Big Hill Lake Area, Southeast Kansas. Thomas A. Witty, Jr.
- Results of Phase III Archeological Investigations at Fort Dodge (14FD315) Ford County, Kansas. Marsha K. King.
- Results of Phase III Archeological Investigations at Fort Wallace (14WC303) Wallace County, Kansas. Marsha K. King.
- Phase IV Archeological Investigations at 14RY38: A Multicomponent Early Ceramic Period Campsite Near Manhattan, Kansas. Christopher J. Benison, William E. Banks, Rolfe D. Mandel.
- Phase IV Archeological Investigations at 14CO363: A Late Ceramic Period Campsite in Central Cowley County, Kansas. Christopher J. Benison, C. Tod Bevitt, Rolfe D. Mandel.
- Results of Phase III Historical and Archeological Investigations of Six Historic Sites (14RY380, 14RY381, 14RY382, 14RY383, 14RY384, and 14RY365) in Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas. Marsha K. King.
- Cultural Resources Investigations at the Hudson (14GR346) and Simair (14GR354) Sites Greenwood County, Kansas. Nadine Larson, Michael Madson, David Mather.
- Archeological Investigations at Arkansas City, Kansas.Robert J. Hoard, editor.
- The Elk Hill Site, 14RY328: Survey and Testing in Riley County, Kansas. Robert J. Hoard, Gina S. Powell, Tricia J. Waggoner, and Chris Garst, with a contribution by Richard L. Josephs.
KSHS Archeology Popular Reports
- The Martindale Cabin: An 1857 Stone Structure in Greenwood County, Kansas. Virginia Wulfkuhle and Christopher M. Schoen. 1993.
- The Martin Farmstead A Family Farm in Republic County, Kansas. Christopher M. Schoen. 1994.
- A Place to Call Home. Ramona Willits. 1997. 248 pages. Available in PDF format: Unit One Grass House, Unit Two Earthlodge, Unit Three Martin Farmstead, Unit Four Prairie Farmhouses, and Glossary/Sources.
- The Archaeology of Wichita Indian Shelter in Kansas. Cali Letts, Virginia A. Wulfkuhle, and Robert Hoard. 2011.
- The Archaeology of Early Agriculture in Kansas. Cali Letts, Mary J. Adair, Virginia A. Wulfkuhle, and Robert Hoard. 2010.
- Migration of the Pueblo People to El Cuartelejo. Cali Letts, Virginia A. Wulfkuhle, and Robert Hoard. 2009.
- The Archeological Heritage of Kansas. John D. Reynolds and William B. Lees, Ph.D., edited by Robert J. Hoard and Virginia A. Wulfkuhle. 2004. 67 pages.