Kansas territorial newspapers
These territorial Kansas newspapers, published between September 15, 1854, and January 29, 1861, are available in the collections of the Kansas Historical Society.
This bibliography is based on information compiled by the librarians of the Historical Society and on Herbert Flint's thesis, "Journalism in territorial Kansas" [submitted to the University of Kansas, 1916], available in the library [K/ 070.9 / F64].
Papers are listed alphabetically by city. Note: this listing only includes reels containing issues published before January 29, 1861.
Americus (Lyon County)
- Americus Sentinel Extra
Initially independent, then Democratic, but became Republican by spring 1860.
Oct. 27, 1860 ...............................................A 1627
Atchison (Atchison County)
- Atchison Union
June 4, 1859 - Sept. 7, 1861.......................A 1394
- Freedom's Champion
A free-state paper connected to the New England Emigrant Aid Company, it continued on the press of the Squatter Sovereign. F.G. Adams and John A. Martin were among those associated with it.
Feb. 20, 1858 - Dec. 20, 1860.......................A 994
Jan. 5, 1861 - Dec. 31, 1863 ........................A 995
Feb. 20, 1858 - June 1, 1861.......................A 998 - Kansas Zeitung
A bilingual (German/English) free-state paper.
July 22, 1857 - Nov. 6, 1858......................L 1664
- Squatter Sovereign
Begun as a company paper by the Atchison Town Company, this became under editor John Stringfellow the best-known and most notorious of the Kansas pro-slavery papers. Its bloodthirsty editorials (e.g., "scourge the county of abolitionism, free soilism, and every other damnable ism that exists") attracted nation-wide attention. See "'Death to all Yankees and traitors in Kansas': the Squatter Sovereign and the defense of slavery in Kansas," by Bill Cecil-Fronsman (Kansas History, v. 16, no. 1 (spring 1993), pp. 22-33). In March 1857, the paper was sold to Samuel C. Pomeroy, a Massachusetts free-stater who represented the New England Emigrant Aid Company, who turned it into a free-state periodical. Subsequently it was sold to John A. Martin, who renamed it Freedom's Champion.
Feb. 3, 1855 - Dec. 5, 1857.........................A 1044 online
Auburn (Shawnee County)
- Auburn Docket
Republican. Published by D.B. Emmert.
Nov. 20, 27, 1860; July 6, 1861 ...................A 1745
Baldwin City (Douglas County)
- Kansas Messenger
A Methodist paper "devoted to news, education, and religion."
Jan. 1, 1859 - Jan. 8, 1859................ B 1006
Burlington (Coffey County)
- Neosho Valley Register
- "Anti-slavery ... Republican." Founded by S.S. Prouty, this was a continuation of the Prairie City Freeman's Champion. Its press originally belonged to Jotham Meeker, who had used it to publish the Shawnee Sun in the 1830s.
- Oct. 4, 1859 - Oct. 24, 1861 ............... B 923
Cottonwood Falls (Chase County)
- Kansas Press
Free-State. Founded by S.N. Wood. Subsequently bought by A.I. Baker.
May 30, 1859 - July 2, 1860.......................C 1523
Council Grove (Morris County)
- Council Grove Press
July 23, 1860 - Oct. 6, 1865.......................C 1523
- Kansas Press
May 30, 1859 - July 2, 1860.......................C 1523
Delaware (Douglas County)
- Kansas Free State
A revival of the Lawrence Kansas Free State.
July 25, 1857 - Oct. 31, 1857 ......................L 2963
Doniphan (Doniphan County)
- Kansas Crusader of Freedom
Free-state. James Lane was supposedly part-owner or financier; the paper was considered his organ. Founded by James Redpath. Herbert Flint called it "probably the most brilliant paper in territorial Kansas, largely because of Redpath's rare ability and taste."
Jan. 30, 1858 - Mar. 6, 1858 .......................E 895
- Kansas Constitutionalist
Pro-slavery. Founded by Thomas J. Key.
Jan. 7; OCT 7 - Oct. 14, 1857.......................D 373
Elwood (Doniphan County)
- Elwood Advertiser
Originally neutral, this subsequently became a free state paper. Thomas Osborne edited it for awhile.
June 25, 1857 - Apr. 22, 1858 ......................D 373
- Kansas Weekly Press
Independent free state.
June 5, 1858 - Nov. 20, 1858......................E 895
- Elwood Weekly Press
Independent free state.
Nov. 27, 1858 - Jan. 22, 1859......................E 895
- Kansas Weekly Press
Independent free state.
Jan. 29, 1859 - Mar. 5, 1859......................E 895
- Elwood Free Press
Independent free state.
June 25, 1859 - Oct. 26, 1861.....................D 373
Emporia (Lyon County)
- Emporia News
Free-state. A continuation of the Kansas News.
Aug. 13, 1859 - Oct. 18, 1862......................E 540 online
- Kansas News
Free state. Founded by Preston Plumb; Jacob Stotler was first foreman.
June 6, 1857 - Aug. 6, 1859......................E 514 online
Fort Scott (Bourbon County)
- Fort Scott Democrat
Originally Democratic, became Republican after mid-1859.
Jan. 27, 1858 - Sept. 21, 1861.....................F 541
Geary City (Doniphan County)
- Geary City Era
May 23, 1857 - Jan. 2, 1858......................E 895
Grasshopper Falls (Jefferson County)
- Grasshopper (1st)
Free-state & Republican. Founded by H. Rees Whiting, J.A. Cody, and S. Ward Smith. Mrs. Cody did most of the work, according to Herbert Flint.
June 5, 1858 & June 12, 1858.....................V 25
June 5, 1858; June 12, 1858......................V 48 - Grasshopper Falls Gazette
Dec. 15, 1860.........V 48
- Jefferson Crescent
Free state but opposed organization of Republican Party.
Dec. 25, 1858; Jan. 8, 1859.......................V 48
Jan. 15, 1859; Feb. 5, 1859.......................V 48
Highland (Doniphan County)
- Weekly Highlander
Neutral (editors Republican and publishers Democratic). F.A. Root worked there. Supposedly, the type ended up being shot at the Union forces during siege of Lexington, Mo.
Jan. 1, 1859 - Jan. 6, 1859.......................H 384
Iowa Point (Doniphan County)
- Iowa Point Weekly Enquirer
July 30, 1858.........L 1457
Junction City (Davis [now Geary] County)
- Junction City Statesmen
Oct. 13, 1860.........J 398
- Junction Sentinel
May 14, 1859.........J 398
- Kansas Statesman
June 30, 1860.........J 398
Kickapoo City (Leavenworth County)
- Kansas Pioneer
Originally strongly pro-slavery. Founded November 1854, making it among the first three papers in Kansas. Later had a free-soil editor.
Feb. 28, 1855 - Oct. 10, 1855......................F 773
Lawrence (Douglas County)
- Daily Lawrence Republican
see Lawrence Republican
Feb. 12, 1859 .........L 2929
- Herald of Freedom
Free-state, and subsidized by Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Co. Destroyed in sack of Lawrence in May of 1856, and revived the following November.
Oct. 21, 1854 - Aug. 28, 1858......................L 190 online
Sept. 4, 1858 - Dec. 17, 1859......................L 191 - Kansas Tribune [Weekly]
A free-state paper, founded by the Speer brothers.
Jan. 10, 1855 - June 20, 1855 .....................T 1192
Sept. 15, 1855 - Oct. 24, 1855 .....................T 1192
Jan. 10, 1855 - Oct. 24, 1855......................L 648 - Kansas Daily Tribune
1st daily in Kansas. Free-state, founded by Speer brothers. Subsequently moved to Topeka.
July 14, 1855.........L 2963
July 14, 1855.........T 1192 - Kansas Free State
Founded by R.G. Elliott & Josiah Miller. Free-State, destroyed during sack of Lawrence 1856. Revived in Delaware, KS.
Jan. 3, 1855 - May 19, 1856 ......................L 2963
- Lawrence Republican
Free-state and Republican. Associated with Thacher family. Other contributors included Lane, A.G. Hawes, and Capt. John Brown.
May 28, 1857 - Dec. 29, 1859......................L 697
Jan. 5, 1860 - Nov. 13, 1862 ......................L 698
Leavenworth (Leavenworth County)
- Daily Evening Journal
see Leavenworth Weekly Journal
June 25, 1858 - May 3, 1859......................L 2867
- Daily Times
see Leavenworth Times
Aug. 11, 1858 .........L 2867
May 3, 1858..........N 158 - Daily Leavenworth Herald
Politics unknown.
Sept. 22, 1860 - June 27, 1861.....................NP 107
- Kansas Territorial Register
Free-state. Initially a believer in squatter sovereignty, founder Mark Delahay soon changed his mind. On 22 Dec 1855, the press was demolished and dumped into the Missouri River by Kickapoo Rangers.
July 7, 1855 - Dec. 15, 1855......................L 2891
- Kansas Weekly Herald
The first English-language newspaper in Kansas. Pro-slavery and Democratic. For awhile favored Douglas. In the fall of 1860, editor R.C. Satterlee was killed by D.R. Anthony. Other owners/editors included Lucien Eastin, William Gill, William Fain, W.H. Osborne, and W.H. Adams.
Sept. 15, 1854 - Dec. 26, 1857 .....................L 834
Jan. 9, 1858 - May 7, 1859.......................L 835
Sept. 15, 1854 - Sept. 8, 1855 .....................L 2891 online - Kansas Daily State Register
Nov. 5, 1859..........L 2887
- Kansas Zeitung
Connected with, and perhaps same as, [Atchison] Kansas Zeitung. Flint thinks there were two rival papers, Kansas Zeitung and Leavenworth Zeitung, which subsequently merged.
Nov. 20, 1858 - May 7, 1859 ......................L 1664
- Kansas Daily Ledger
Initially independent, tending toward Whig, later became Republican.
Feb. 2, 1858 - April 15, 1859 (incomplete).......L 2887
Feb. 24, 1858 .........N 158 - L'estafette du Kansas
Published entirely in French. Apparently Democratic.
Nov. 20, 1858; Dec. 11, 1859; Dec. 25, 1858; and Apr. 30, 1859 ....................L 3212
Jan. 8, 1859 (single issue) ......................L 840 - Leavenworth Times [Daily]
Strong free-state paper.
Jan. 25, 1859 - Sept. 28, 1859 .....................L 961
Sept. 29, 1859 - June 11, 1860.....................L 962
June 12, 1860 - Feb. 2, 1861......................L 963 - Leavenworth Conservative [Daily]
Gave first news of Kansas admission to Union, founder D.R. Anthony taking the first issue to legislature at Lawrence to give them the news.
Jan. 28, 1861 - Sept. 12, 1861 .....................L 2250
- Leavenworth Dollar Dispatch
Douglas Democratic.
Aug. 9, 1860..........L 2867
- Weekly Leavenworth Journal
"Kansas state rights, the union, and the rights of the people" Founded by S.S. Goode & a Maj. Wilkes from South Carolina; pro-slavery. In Nov. 1857, sold to G.W. Purkins and others, who made it free-state and anti-Lecompton. Subsequently supported Douglas. The building collapsed in 1859.
Aug. 13, 1856 .........L 2913
- Leavenworth Journal
see Weekly Leavenworth Journal
Aug. 13, 1856 - Sept. 18, 1858 .....................L 839
Sept. 24, 1856 - Mar. 12, 1857 .....................L 2913
May 13, 1858 - Sept. 18, 1858 .....................L 2913 - Leavenworth Weekly Journal
see Weekly Leavenworth Journal
Aug. 22, 1857 - Apr. 2, 1858 ......................L 2913
- Leavenworth Weekly Herald
- see Kansas Weekly Herald.
- Leavenworth Weekly Times
Mar. 7, 1857 - Mar. 14, 1857 ......................L 1426
Apr. 10, 1858 - Oct. 29, 1859......................L 1426
Jan. 9, 1858..........L 1426 - Weekly Leavenworth Herald
see Kansas Weekly Herald.
Aug. 6, 1859 - Mar. 10, 1860 (incomplete)................L 2913
- Weekly Ledger
See Kansas Daily Ledger.
Sept. 12, 1858.........L 2913
- Young America
Independent and Whig, but tending to free-state.
Oct. 22, 1857 .........L 2916
Lecompton (Douglas County)
- Kansas National Democrat
"Devoted to the peace and prosperity of Kansas and the perpetuity of the union." Pro-slavery. Urged adoption of Lecompton constitution.
July 30, 1857 - Mar. 14, 1861 .....................L 1455
Mar. 4, 1858.........N 158 - Lecompton Union
Strongly pro-slavery.
Apr. 28, 1856 - June 19, 1857 .....................L 1455
Manhattan (Riley County)
- Kansas Express
Republican, founded by Charles De Vivaldi, an Italian refugee.
Aug. 20, 1859 .........M 301
- Manhattan Express
see Kansas Express.
Sept. 17, 1859 - Sept. 15, 1860.....................M 301
- Western Kansas Express
see Kansas Express.
Sept. 22, 1860 - Sept. 14, 1861.....................M 301
Minneola (Franklin County)
- Kansas Leader
Feb. 24, 1858 .........N 158
Mound City (Linn County)
- Mound City Report
Nov. 16, 1860 .........B 64
Olathe (Johnson County)
- Olathe Herald
Democratic. The press was destroyed by Quantrill during the Civil War.
Aug. 9, 1860; Apr. 11, 1861.......................O 1145
Osawatomie (Miami County)
- Southern Kansas Herald
Jan. 16, 1858 - Aug. 7, 1858........P 1021
Oskaloosa (Jefferson County)
- Independent
Independent free-state.
July 11, 1860 - Dec. 30, 1865 .....................O 228
Palermo (Doniphan County)
- Palermo Leader
Nov. 19, 1859 .........J 432
Palmetto (Marshall County)
- Palmetto Kansan
Pro-slavery and Democratic.
Feb. 24, 1858 .........N 158
Prairie City (Douglas County)
- Freemen's Champion
Free-State and Republican.
Jan. 25, 1857 - Sept. 16, 1858 .....................L 2995 online
Quindaro (Wyandotte County)
- Kansas Tribune
Apparently a continuation of the Chindowan.
Sept. 20, 1860.........K 729
- Quindaro Chindowan
Free state. A town-company organ controlled in part by Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Company.
May 13, 1857 - June 12, 1858 .....................K 728
Sumner (Atchison County)
- Sumner Daily Gazette
Primarily a free-state campaign sheet for the legislative elections.
Oct. 1, 1857.......................................P 1096
- Sumner Gazette
Free state and Republican.
May 15, 1858 .....................................N 158
Sept. 12, 1857 - Aug. 27, 1859 (incomplete).........S 744
Tecumseh (Shawnee County)
- Kansas Settler
Mar. 3, 1858..........N 158
Feb. 3, 1858 - Apr. 7, 1858.......................R 228 - Tecumseh Note Book
Democratic and pro-slavery.
Aug. 13, 1857 - Oct. 2, 1857 ......................R 228
Topeka (Shawnee County)
- Daily Kansas Freeman
Free state, published during the Topeka constitutional convention.
Oct. 23, 1855 - Nov. 10, 1855......................T 2561
- Kansas Daily Tribune
see under Lawrence
Jan. 5, 1857 - Mar. 29, 1858 ......................T 1192
- Kansas Freeman
Free-state. C.K. Holliday had an interest.
Sept. 26, 1855 - Feb. 9, 1856......................T 2609
- Kansas State Record
Oct. 15, 1859 - Mar. 9, 1861 ......................T 1174
- Kansas Tribune
see under Lawrence.
Dec. 10, 1855 - Mar. 10, 1859......................T 2636
- Topeka Tribune (1st)
see under Lawrence.
Mar. 24, 1859 - Dec. 29, 1860......................T 1192
Mar. 24, 1859 - Dec. 8, 1860 ......................T 2636
Dec. 15, 1860 - Oct. 4, 1862 ......................T 2637
Troy (Doniphan County)
- Doniphan County Dispatch
Nov. 8, 1860..........T 2253
White Cloud (Doniphan County)
- White Cloud Kansas Chief
- Independent-Whig, tending toward free-state. Herbert Flint says that the first issue was printed with the aid of slave labor. One of the few papers that advocated voting in 1857 election. Published by Sol. Miller.
Wyandotte (Wyandotte County)
- Commercial Gazette
"Republican ... favor making Kansas a free state." Began in 1858? Published by S.D. MacDonald, then MacDonald & Taylor, Aug. 25-Sept. 29, 1860; R.B. Taylor, Oct. 6, 1860-Jan. 19, 1861.
June 4, 1859 - June 27, 1863 .....................K 78
- Western Argus
Democratic and pro-slavery. Often considered an organ of the administration.
May 2, 1858 - Mar. 2, 1861.......................K 541
- Wyandott Citizen
Democratic and free-state. Published by E. Abbott.
KSHS owns several original issues between 9/25/1857 and 12/5/1857 which are not yet on microfilm. Please consult staff for assistance.
- Wyandott City Register
Free-state. Published by M.W. Delahay.
July 25, 1857 - Oct. 3, 1857......................K 729