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Kansas populist newspapers

Image of a satirical political cartoon from the magazine Judge (June 1891) presents the Republican perception of the People's (Populist) Party. The unidentified artist depicts the People's Party as a hot air balloon made up of a patchwork of pieces, with each piece labeled with the name of the political organization or party that has been subsumed under the banner of the Populists. This is a bibliography of People's Party or populist newspapers published in Kansas. This document is by no means meant to be comprehensive or authoritative; it simply is a listing of all populist newspapers that are in the collections of the Kansas Historical Society. All papers listed have been microfilmed. In most cases the bibliographic information was taken directly from catalog cards.

Please see the bibliography on Populism and Radical Politics in published works on this topic.

The Historical Society's holdings on populism are relatively strong, especially in library and manuscript materials. Relevant collections include the papers of the state's two Populist governors, Lorenzo D. Lewelling (1893-95) and John W. Leedy (1897-99), as well materials pertaining to other Populist politicians and activists such as "Sockless" Jerry Simpson, Mary E. Lease and Frank Doster.

Papers are in alphabetical order by title. The format is as follows:

Title -- City of Publication: Publisher. Inclusive dates (completeness of our holdings). Continuation information New Title -- New city of publication if different from original. KSHS Reel Number.

Abilene Dispatch -- Abilene: Phillips and Hemenway. 9/6/1894 - 5/23/1895 (some issues missing). Not Continued. (Reel: A1222).

Abilene Monitor (1st) -- Abilene: Anderson and Phillips. 1/14/1892 - 9/21/1893 (some issues missing). Continued by Abilene Monitor-Herald. (Reels: A1568 & A1568).

Abilene Monitor (2nd) -- Abilene: Monitor Publishing. 8/30/1894 - 12/29/1898 (some issues missing). Continued by Abilene Democrat. (Reels: A1569-A1571).

Abilene Monitor-Herald -- Abilene: Monitor Publishing. 9/28/1893 - 8/23/1894 (some issues missing). Continued by Abilene Monitor. (Reel: A1569).

Advance -- Marion: Samuel Johnson. 10/1/1892 - 10/18/1892 (two issues only). Not continued. (Reel: L2782).

Advocate -- Harper: Hoffman and Son. 10/30/1891 - 8/26/1898 (some issues missing). Continued by Harper Advocate. (Reels: A1052, H2 & H3).

Advocate-- Meriden: S. McLallin. 8/10/1899 - 1/9/1890 (believed complete). Continued by Advocate and Topeka Tribune. (Reel: T1). online

Advocate -- Topeka: Advocate Publishing Co. 1/16/1890 - 11/17/1897 (some issues missing). Continued by Advocate and News. (Reels: T1-T6 & T8). online

Advocate and Democrat -- Marysville: S.E. Ruede. 2/4/1898 - 12/6/1923 (believed complete). Continued by Advocate-Democrat. (Reels: M665-M674).

Advocate and News -- Topeka: Geo. B. Harrison and Co. 11/24/1897 - 4/12/1899 (believed complete). Continued by Farmers Advocate. (Reel: T7). online

Alliance Echo -- Olathe: H.W. Justus. 7/21/1893 - 4/6/1894 (believed complete). Continued by Olathe Tribune. (Reel: M1645).

Alliance Gazette -- Hutchinson: Warren Foster. 9/4/1890 - 1/10/1895 (believed complete). Continued by Hutchinson Gazette. (Reels: H678 & H679).

Alliance Globe -- Pawnee Rock: Amos Huls. 9/11/1891 - 2/26/1892 (believed complete). Not Continued. (Reel: H1585).

Alliance Herald -- Council Grove: McKenzie and White. 1891 - 5/23/1891 (believed complete). Continued by Alliance Herald-Guard. (Reel: H1585).

Alliance Herald -- Fredonia: Jessie Williams. 3/20/1891 - 12/6/1901 (some issues missing). Continued by Fredonia Herald. (Reels: F467-F470).

Alliance Herald-Guard -- Council Grove: L. McKenzie. 5/29/1891 - 5/6/1892 (believed complete). Continued by Council Grove Guard. (Reel: C1923).

Alliance Sun -- Cuba: Frank D. Northup. 5/14/1891 - 10/29/1891 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: C2069).

Alliance Watchman -- Phillipsburg: Geo. G. Robinson. 7/11/1890 - 8/15/1890 (believed complete). Continued by Phillipsburg Democrat. (Reel: L2597).

Argonia Voice -- Wellington: Lyman Naugle. 3/16/1894 - 2/28/1895 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reel: A1597).

Atchison Tribune -- Atchison: W.H. Higgins. 5/21/1896 - 7/16/1896 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: A1394).

Barton Banner -- Claflin: D.S. Downey. 1/14/1897 - 6/23/1898 (believed complete). Continued by Claflin Banner. (Reel: C2232).

Barton Beacon -- Great Bend: D.T. Armstrong. 3/24/1892 - 11/8/1901 (believed complete). Continued by Great Bend Beacon. (Reels: G578-G581).

Barton County Beacon -- Great Bend: D.T. Armstrong. 9/4/1890 - 3/17/1892 (believed complete). Continued by Barton Beacon. (Reel: G578).

Belleville Freeman -- Belleville: Freeman Publishing Co. 1/12/1899 - 10/14/1909 (some issues missing). Continuation information incomplete. (Reels: B764-B768).

Broad-Ax -- Coffeyville: People's Publishing Co. 12/31/1891 - 4/29/1892 (some issues missing). Continued by News and Broad-Ax. (Reel: C2695).

Burlingame Blade -- Burlingame: Sylvester Fowler. 2/25/1893 - 6/3/1893 (believed complete). Continued by Peoples Herald -- Quenemo. (Reel: B978).

Butler County Citizen -- El Dorado: E.D. Stratford. 5/18/1893 - 1/24/1895 (some issues missing). Continued by Industrial Advocate. (Reel: D472).

Cherryvale News (2nd) -- Cherryvale: J.H. Ritchie. 6/3/1898 - 10/18/1907 (believed complete). Continued by Cherryvale Weekly News. (Reels: C2679-C2681).

Clay County Critic -- Clay Center: Critic Co. 9/26/1890 - 12/31/1891 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reels: C2556).

Coffey County Populist -- Waverly: Populist Publishing Co. 6/19/1900 - 12/25/1900 (believed complete). Not continued (Reel: L2778).

Corbin Voice -- Wellingtion: Lyman Naugle. 3/16/1894 - 2/28/1895 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reel: C2476).

Costigan's Weekly -- Ottawa: [publisher unknown]. 8/31/1898 - 11/2/1898 (believed complete). Not Continued. (Reel: O1087).

Council Grove Appeal -- Council Grove: Appeal Printing and Publishing Co. 10/27/1904 - 9/20/1906. Continued by Council Grove Weekly Appeal. (Reels: C2113 & C2114).

Council Grove Courier -- Council Grove: G.W. Coffin, Jr. 12/18/1891 - 12/10/1897 (believed complete). Continued by Council Grove Courier-Guard. (Reels: C2117-C2119).

Council Grove Guard (2nd) -- Council Grove: Dill and Bell. 5/13/1892 - 12/10/1897 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reels: C1923-C1925).

Courier -- Burlington: M.M. Bowman and G.W. Neiberger. 6/5/1891 - 1/6/1893 (some issues missing). Continued by Burlington Courier. (Reel: B916).

Courier-Guard -- Council Grove: Morris County Printing Co. 12/17/1897 - 12/24/1897 (believed complete). Continuation information incomplete. (Reel: C1925).

Critic -- Clay Center: Critic Co. 9/5/1890 - 9/19/1890 (believed complete). Continued by Clay County Critic. (Reel: C2556).

Cuba Advocate -- Cuba: John Brown. 10/22/1897 - 10/11/1901 (believed complete). Continued by Cuba Daylight. (Reel: C2069).

Daily Calamity Howler -- Winfield: [publisher unknown]. 9/28/1891 - 11/2/1891 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: W3198).

Daily Co-Operator -- Topeka: [publisher unknown]. 9/2/1895 - 3/4/1896 (believed complete). Continued by Daily Co-Operator and Topeka Press. (Reels: T1088 & T1089).

Daily Co-Operator and Topeka Press -- Topeka: Co-Operative Publishing Co. 3/5/1896 - 12/8/1896 (some issues missing). Continued by Daily Press. (Reels: T1088 & T1089).

Daily Commoner -- Wichita: B.E. Kries. 7/23/1892 - 7/30/1892 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: W3463).

Daily Industrial Advocate -- El Dorado: J.F. Todd and J.C. Riley, Jr. 5/2/1892 - 6/18/1892 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reel: E1130).

Daily Kansas Populist -- Cherryvale: J.H. Ritchie. 3/28/1894 - 4/8/1894 (believed complete). Continued by Daily Morning News. (Reel: C388).

Daily Press -- Topeka: J.C. Gish Printing Co. 12/10/1896 - 12/31/1896 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reel: T1089).

Daily Tidings -- Emporia: Major A. Paul. 3/27/1894 - 11/7/1894 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reels: E1070 & E1071).

Daily Truth -- Topeka: People's Party State Central Committee. 10/28/1892 - 11/7/1892 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: T2561).

Dennis Leader -- Dennis: [publisher unknown]. 2/9/1899 - 11/15/1900 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reels: B1017 & D485).

Dodge City Times -- Dodge City: I.E. Vorhees. 10/14/1876 - 6/9/1893 (some issues missing). Continued by Dodge City Times-Ensign. (Reels: D146-D150).

Ellsworth Populist -- Ellsworth: W.L. Wright. 8/10/1895 - 4/12/1899 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: E1042).

Emporia Standard -- Emporia: J.R. Graham and Co. 8/23/1890 - 5/28/1892 (believed complete). Continued by Emporia Gazette. (Reel: E608)

Emporia Times -- Emporia: Yearout and Starr. 2/8/1895 - 3/5/1925 (believed complete). Continued by Emporia Gazette. (Reels: E864-E875).

Emporia Times and Democratic Record -- Emporia: P.F. Yearout. 10/12/1900 - 6/2/1905 (believed complete). Continued by Emporia Times and Emporia Republican. (Reels: E867 & E868).

Emporia Times and Emporia Republican -- Emporia: [publisher unknown]. 6/5/1905 - 7/13/1905 (believed complete). Continued by Emporia Times. (Reel: E1087).

Enterprise Eagle -- Enterprise: C.S. Eckert. 9/6/1900 - 12/27/1900 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reel: E965).

Enterprise Journal (1st) -- Enterprise: J.A. Roulston. 8/21/1890 - 12/27/1900 (some issues missing). Continued by Enterprise Push and Enterprise Journal. (Reels: E962-E965).

Erie Sentinel-- Erie: Watt and Herod. 5/16/1889 - 10/26/1923 (some issues missing). Continued by Erie Sentinel and Chanute Blade. (Reels: E992-E999 & E1002-E1004).

Eureka Union -- Eureka: Jas. P. Easterly. 1/3/1896 - 12/1/1899 (believed complete). Continued by Eureka Republican. (Reels: E1052-E1054).

Exponent -- Randall: Kemp Brothers. 1891 - 12/23/1892 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: R45).

Farmers Advocate -- Yates Center: A.E. and N.S. Macoubrie. 1/9/1891 - 8/25/1899 (believed complete). Continued by Woodson County Advocate. (Reels: N631 & Y53-Y55).

Farmer's Voice -- Clyde: Farmers Voice Co. 1/22/1891 - 5/27/1918 (believed complete). Continued as Voice-Republican. (Reels: C2219-C2225).

Farmer's Wife -- Topeka: I.W. Pack. 7/1891 - 10/1894 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reel: T2255).

Ford County Leader -- Dodge City: J.E. Lucas. 8/17/1894 - 3/31/1899 (believed complete). Continued by Dodge City Reporter. (Reels: D382 & D383).

Fort Scott Industrial Union -- Fort Scott: E. Latimer. 10/10/1890 - 4/24/1891 (some issues missing). Continued by Lantern -- Mapleton. (Reel: F671).

Fredonia Herald -- Fredonia: J.M. Kennedy. 12/13/1901 - 2/6/1914 (believed complete). Continued by Fredonia Weekly Herald. (Reels: F470-F474).

Free Press -- Hays: Harry Freese. 6/1/1889 - 12/31/1910 (some issues missing). Continued by Hays Free Press. (Reels: H130-H136). online

Friend-Herald -- Iola: C. S. Ritter. 4/14/1893 - 3/27/1896 (some issues missing). Continued by Iola Farmer's Friend. (Reels: I681 & I682).

Garden City Sentinel -- Garden City: J.W. Gregory. 7/30/1884 - 12/29/1900 (believed complete). Continued by Gray County Sentinel. (Reels: G91 & G142-G148).

Garden City Tribune -- Garden City: Eugene B. Stotts. 9/1/1892 - 11/10/1894 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: G787).

Goodland Republic -- Goodland: Stewart Co. 1/1/1892 - 4/1/1926 (believed complete). Continued by Goodland News and Goodland Republic. (Reels: G559-G563 & G567-G570). online

Gove County Advocate -- Gove City: W.P. Harrison. 12/31/1897 - 12/27/1901 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: G863).

Graham County Times -- Hill City: Hill and Wright. 4/25/1889 - 10/1/1891 (some issues missing). Continued by People's Advocate. (Reel: M900).

Graham Gem -- Hill City: T.H. McGill. 8/6/1897 - 4/5/1901 (some issues missing). Continued by Graham County Recorder. (Reel: H979).

Greenwood County Sunflower -- Severy: Warner and Reece. 7/24/1896 - 6/25/1897 (believed complete). Continued by Fall River Citizen. (Reel: F735).

Halstead Tribune -- Halstead: J.C. Gaiser. 3/14/1890 - 7/29/1892 (some issues missing). Continued by Halstead Independent Tribune. (Reel: H1323).

Harvey County Banner -- Newton: M.L. Harter. 7/3/1896 - 8/25/1898 (believed complete). Continued by Newton Weekly Journal and Harvey County Banner. (Reels: N571 & N572).

Harvey County News ( 2nd ) -- Newton: Emmett Tiffany. 6/23/1893 - 2/8/1895 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: N580).

Hiawatha Journal -- Hiawatha: [publisher unknown]. 5/23/1889 - 6/27/1895 (some issues missing). Continued by Kansas Democrat. (Reels: H347-H349).

Hoxie Palladium -- Hoxie: Herron and Patterson. 8/21/1891 - 10/25/1906 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reels: H1118-H1121).

Hunnewell Voice -- Wellington: Lyman Naugle. 3/23/1894 - 2/7/1895 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: H1639).

Hutchinson Gazette -- Hutchinson: Gazette Publishing and Printing Co. 1/17/1895 - 2/27/1902 (some issues missing). Continued by Semi-Weekly (Reels: H775 & H776). online

Iola Farmer's Friend -- Iola: H.L. Harris. 4/10/1896 - 8/9/1901 (some issues missing). Continued by Iola Farmer's Friend and Allen County Democrat. (Reels: I682-I684).

Jefferson County Tribune -- Oskaloosa: Harman Publishing Co. 4/21/1899 - 2/27/1920 (some issues missing). Continued by Oskaloosa Times. (Reels: O980-O988).

Jeffersonian -- Topeka: W.H.T. Wakefield. 3/28/1899 - 10/2/1890 (some issues missing). Continued by Jeffersonian Gazette --Lawrence. (Reel: T2574).

Jerry Simpson's Bayonet -- Wichita: Kies, Simpson and Peltret. 5/1899 and 5/8/1899 - 5/14/1900 (believed complete). Continued by Farmer's Advocate. (Reels: B165 & W2867).

Jewell County Searchlight -- Esbon: J.H. McComas. 6/22/1894 - 11/9/1894 (some issues missing). Continued by Light of Liberty. (Reel: E733).

Kansas Agitator -- Garnett: W.O. Champs. 6/7/1890 - 5/19/1905 (believed complete). Continued by Independant Review. (Reels: E833-E838).

Kansas Citizen -- Argentine: Couch and Brooks. 12/30/1894 - 3/30/1895 (some issues missing). Continued by Kansas Citizen and Labor Record. (Reel: K728).

Kansas City Daily Sun -- Kansas City: E.F. Heisler. 5/28/1892 (single issue only). Not continued. (Reel: K729).

Kansas Eagle -- St. Francis: George Lawless and D. L. Loofbourrow. 4/4/1895 - 6/16/1904 (some issues missing). Continued by Kansas Eagle-Rustler. (Reels: S1134 & S1097-S1099).

Kansas Headlight -- Wichita: Bettis and Roberson. 8/24/1894 - 9/14/1894 (two issues only). Not continued. (Reel: C2170).

Kansas Korn-Knife -- Garnett: Korn-Knife Kompany. 7/1895 - 9/1896 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: G839).

Kansas Populist -- Independence: J.H. Ritchie. 6/3/1898 - 3/25/1904 (some issues missing). Continued by Times and the Kansas Populist. (Reels: C2720, I767-I768 & I772-I773).

The Kansas Sunflower -- Clyde: F.O. Ayers. 7/4/1894 - 7/26/1895 (some issues missing). Continued by Holton Sunbeam -- Holton. (Reel: C2576).

Kiowa County Times -- Greensburg: [publisher unknown]. 8/17/1888 - 9/13/1895 (some issues missing). Continued by Kiowa County Signal and Kiowa County Times. (Reels: D411 & G791-G792).

Kiowa Review -- Kiowa: Hudson and Watrus. 4/13/1892 - 4/16/1902 (believed complete). Continued by Kiowa News and Review. (Reels: K687-K689).

Lane County Journal -- Dighton: J.B. Millford. 2/11/1897 - 6/9/1911 (some issues missing). Continued by Journal-Herald. (Reels: D23-D31).

Lantern -- Almena: W.G. Smith. 10/8/1896 - 2/8/1889 (believed complete). Continued by Almena Lantern. (Reel: A1342).

Lantern -- Mapleton: Lockhart and Waterman. 9/24/1890 - 2/11/1891 (believed complete). Continued by Fort Scott Lantern-- Fort Scott. (Reel: M1422).

Leavenworth Lever-- Leavenworth: E.M. Blackman. 10/21/1893 (single issue only). Not continued. (Reel: L2897).

Liberator (1st) -- Norton: D.W. Hull. 2/10/1893 - 11/11/1903 (some issues missing). Continued by Norton County News. (Reels: L2458 & N602-N605).

Light of Liberty -- Smith Center: M.L. Lockwood. 9/1891 - 10/1891 (some issues missing). Continued by Easton Light -- Easton. (Reel: S1552).

Logan County Banner -- Russell Springs: Ben L. Allen. 10/18/1894 - 12/12/1895 (some issues missing). Continued by Logan County Republican. (Reel: R42).

Lookout -- Garden City: Norris Brothers. 8/1/1891 - 10/15/1892 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: G770).

McPherson County Advocate -- Galva: J.H. Baker. 3/4/1892 (single issue only). Continued by People's Advocate. (Reel: M1268).

McPherson County Times -- McPherson: Times Publishing Co. 2/3/1893 - 7/7/1893 (believed complete). Continued by McPherson Opinion. (Reel: M1267).

McPherson Opinion -- McPherson: Opinion Printing Co. 7/14/1893 - 8/9/1912 (believed complete). Continued by Democrat-Opinion. (Reels: M47-M53).

Madison Index -- Madison: Dungan and Yearout. 11/30/1894 - 9/13/1901 (some issues missing). Continued by Madisonian and Index and News. (Reels: M1450-M1452).

Mayfield Voice -- Wellington: Lyman Naugle. 3/16/1894 - 2/28/1895 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reel: H1639).

Miltonvale Echo --Miltonvale: W.R. Hall. 7/29/1892 - 1/6/1893 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reel: M1424).

Mulvane Voice -- Wellington: Lyman Naugle. 3/16/1894 - 2/28/1895 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reel: M1117).

Ness County Echo (1st) -- Ness City: M. Pembleton. 3/18/1893 - 12/25/1915 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reels: N510-N516).

News -- Blaine: B.M. Palmer. 9/10/1897 - 8/9/1901 (believed complete). Continued by Wheaton Advance. (Reel: B822).

Newton Weekly Journal and Harvey County Banner -- Newton: J.B. Fugate. 9/2/1898 - 8/31/1900 (believed complete). Continued by Newton Journal. (Reels: N551 & N552).

Observer -- Stockton: L.B. Powell. 9/2/1890 - 11/4/1890 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reel: S1273).

Olathe Leader ( 2nd ) -- Olathe: J.W. Sowers. 8/27/1891 - 12/14/1893 (believed complete). Continued by Kansas City Republican. (Reels: O1156 & O1157).

Olathe Tribune -- Olathe: Gill & Nessly. 4/13/1894 - 12/1/1905 (some issues missing). Continued by Olathe Republican Tribune. (Reels: M1645 & O1141-O1144).

Osage County Sentinel -- Quenemo: A.W. Logan and J.W. Watkins. 3/10/1892 - 1/6/1893 (believed complete). Continued by Weekly Offering. (Reel: Q19).

Ottawa County Index (2nd) -- Minneapolis: J.C. And F.O. Cline. 2/5/1891 - 9/4/1902 (some issues missing). Continued by Minneapolis Journal. (Reels: M1320-M1323).

Ottawa Journal and Triumph -- Ottawa: Journal Publishing Company. 4/5/1877 - 7/1/1897 (some issues missing). Continued by Ottawa Journal. (Reels: O613-O618).

Paola Times -- Paola: W.B. Bryan. 3/23/1882 - 5/7/1903 (some issues missing). Continued by Western Spirit. (Reels: P31-P40).

Parsons Independent -- Parsons: Independent Publishing Co. 11/11/1893 - 7/24/1908 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reels: P1338-P1343).

People's Advocate -- McPherson: McPherson Union Printing Co. 4/24/1891 - 11/20/1891 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: M1268).

People's Advocate -- Marysville: Clark and Runneals. 8/21/1890 - 1/28/1898 (some issues missing). Continued by Advocate and Democrat. (Reels: M657 & M753-M754).

Peoples' Advocate -- Osage Mission: Jas. Martin and J.C. Lillie. 5/4/1871 - 4/11/1872 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reel: O960).

People's Defender -- St. Francis: W.A. Pyne. 4/7/1892 - 11/15/1894 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reel: S1198).

People's Herald -- Neosho Falls: Mickel and Kesner. 8/14/1878 - 10/23/1878 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reel: N783).

People's Paper -- Stafford: [publisher unknown]. 6/16/1892 - 6/24/1897 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: S1280).

People's Party Advocate -- McPherson: C.W. Ruckman. 11/27/1891 - 2/26/1892 (believed complete). Continued by McPherson County Advocate. (Reel: M1268).

People's Party Plaindealer -- Cherryvale: M.C. Handley. 9/14/1892 - 1/13/1893 (some issues missing). Continued by Republican-Plaindealer. (Reel: C2681).

People's Press -- Atchison: People's Press Association. 8/5/1893 - 9/15/1893 (believed complete). Continued by Weekly Graphic. (Reel: A1388).

People's Sentinel -- Glen Elder: Clark E. Harvey and Mabel B. Harvey. 1/1/1891 - 4/24/1913 (some issues missing). Continued by Glen Elder Sentinel. (Reels: G930-G936).

Peoples Voice -- Sharon Springs: A.C. McCarthy. 5/6/1892 - 5/14/1897 (believed complete). Continued by Monitor-Press. (Reel: S1227 & S1228).

Pittsburg Weekly Tribune -- Pittsburg: J.C. McManima. 3/21/1896 - 3/6/1902 (some issues missing). Continued by Pittsburg Daily Journal. (Reels: P1299 & P1300).

Plain Facts -- Atchison: [publisher unknown]. 10/14/1897 - 10/28/1897 (three issues only). Not continued. (Reel: A1388).

Progressive Patriot -- Alma: E.W. Crumb. 9/20/1895 - 11/22/1895 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reel: A1313).

Redfield Express -- Redfield: Abram Johnson. 7/12/1894 - 11/12/1894 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: R170).

Republic County Freeman -- Belleville: H.N. Boyd. 10/9/1890 - 1/5/1899 (some issues missing). Continued by Belleville Freeman. (Reels: B760-B764).

Rooks County Journal -- Plainville: Nichols and Cox. 2/14/1895 - 1/13/1899 (believed complete). Continued by Rooks County Record. (Reels: P1028 & S1272).

Salina Union -- Salina: Patee and Honeywell. 9/26/1890 - 10/8/1915 (believed complete). Continued by Salina Weekly Union. (Reels: S1534-S1536 & S1542-S1550).

Saturday Tribune -- Quenemo: A.P. Shaw and Co. 9/15/1890 - 1/4/1902 (believed complete). Continued by Quenemo Republican. (Reel: Q14).

Scimitar -- Marion: A. Altdoerffer. 1/9/1890 - 10/2/1890 (believed complete). Continued by Marion Times. (Reels: M1564-M1566).

Searchlight -- Lane: O.W. Kingsbury. 1/1/1901 - 5/24/1901 (believed complete). Continued by Paola Times. (Reel: L2283).

Semi-Weekly Gazette -- Hutchinson: E.G. Nettleton and Co. 3/8/1902 - 12/31/1909 (some issues missing). Not Continued. (Reels: H770-774).

Seneca News -- Seneca: Jas. M. Jones. 8/7/1890 - 6/8/1899 (believed complete). Continued by Seneca Chronicle. (Reels: G902, S1486 & S1487).

Severy Telegram -- Severy: E.W. Cross and S.H. Lea. 2/21/1891 - 8/26/1892 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: S1665).

Shawnee Drum-Beat -- Topeka: People's Publishing Co. 2/2/1895 - 6/18/1895 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: T2747).

South Haven Voice -- Wellington: Lyman Naugle. 3/16/1894 - 2/28/1895 (some issues missing). Not Continued. (Reel: O1111).

South-West Kansan -- Hugoton: A.A. Dunmire. 1/11/1896 - 3/6/1897 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: D350).

Springfield Leader -- Springfield: J.E. Lucas. 8/18/1893 - 8/24/1894 (believed complete). Continued by Seward County Populist. (Reel: S1224).

Stafford County Leader -- Stafford: Holman and Edwards. 2/24/1899 - 11/2/1900 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: S834).

State Record -- Topeka: A.H. Hoskins. 7/20/1899 - 1/14/1909 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reel: T1178).

Stevens County Sentinel -- Woodsdale: Ada McClure. 1/28/1893 - 11/10/1894 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: W2664).

Sun -- Clay Center: A.J. Kellog and Son. 11/27/1890 - 12/25/1890 (believed complete). Continued by Weekly Sun. (Reel: C2561).

Tidings -- Allen: Major A. Paul. 9/4/1890 - 5/28/1892 (believed complete). Continued by Emporia Times. (Reels: E862 & E863).

Tiller and Toiler -- Larned: W.P. McMahon. 4/30/1892 - 12/27/1901 (some issues missing). Continued under same title through 12/31/1982. (Reels: L1693-L1697).

Times -- Atwood: Price and Obert. 8/20/1891 - 6/7/1894 (some issues missing). Continued by Beloit Gazette -- Beloit. (Reel: M10).

Times -- Independence: H.W. Young and Sons. 4/7/1905 - 2/21/1913 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reels: I773-I776).

Topeka Populist -- Topeka: A.J.R. Smith. 5/14/1892 - 10/13/1893 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: T2735).

Topeka Tribune ( 5th ) -- Topeka: Topeka Tribune Publishing Co. 3/24/1892 - 7/21/1892 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: T2539).

Tribune -- Holton: C.V. Hamm. 3/10/1893 - 7/28/1905 (some issues missing). Continued by Recorder-Tribune. (Reels: H1663-H1670).

Tribune-Sentinel -- Woodsdale: A.O. McClure. 7/8/1892 - 1/20/1893 (believed complete). Continued by Stevens County Sentinel. (Reel: W2464).

Ulysses Tribune -- Ulysses: Geo. W. Perry. 3/19/1887 - 8/19/1893 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reels: U42 & U43).

United Labor -- Independence: E.W. Cox. 5/5/1892 - 8/30/1894 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: I777).

Wa-Keeny Examiner -- Wakeeny: Thomas McGill. 12/4/1902 (single issue only). Not continued. (Reel: O994).

Washington County Independent -- Washington: Populist Printing Co. 1/5/1900 - 1/12/1900 (two issues only). Not continued. (Reel: P1279).

Washington Independent -- Washington: Jennie Higgins. 8/12/1899 (single issue only). Not continued. (Reel: P1279).

Watchman -- Washington: Watchman Publishing Co. 1/3/1896 - 12/2/1898 (believed complete). Not continued (Reels: P1279 & W3166).

Weekly Broad-Axe -- Ottawa: Queen City Printing Co. 2/3/1898 - 2/10/1898 (two issues only). Not continued. (Reel: O1097).

Weekly Bulletin -- Anthony: Alliance Publishing Co. 10/9/1891 - 5/31/1900 (some issues missing). Sometimes listed as Anthony Bulletin. Continued by Anthony Bulletin. (Reels: A286-A288).

Weekly Co-operator and Topeka State Press -- Topeka: Co-operative Publishing Co. 3/20/1896 - 5/29/1896 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: T2545).

Weekly Co-operator and Independant -- Topeka: Co-operative Publishing Co. 1/24/1896 (single issue only). Continued by Weekly Co-operator and Topeka State Press. (Reel: T2545).

Weekly Graphic -- Atchison: W.C. Adkins. 9/29/1893 - 11/24/1893 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reel: E912).

Weekly Graphic -- Huron: W.C. Adkins. 5/2/1891 - 11/21/1891 (some issues missing). Not continued. (Reel: H1584).

Weekly Sun -- Clay Center: A.J. Kellogg and Son. 1/1/1891 - 3/3/1892 (believed complete). Continued by Clay Center Dispatch. (Reel: C2561).

Western Advocate -- Burr Oak: Wm. E. Bush and Matie E. Covis. 8/7/1890 - 1/1/1891 (some issues missing). Continued by Western Advocate and Formosa New Era. (Reel: M1042).

Western Farmer -- Farmer City: D.T. Armstrong. 4/5/1888 - 8/30/1888 (some issues missing). Continued by Barton County Beacon. (Reel: L1460).

Western Kansas -- Leoti: J.B. Milford. 1/2/1891 - 12/24/1896 (believed complete). Continued by Leoti Standard. (Reels: L1461-L1463).

Whiting Journal -- Whiting: W.E. Johnson. 2/18/1898 - 4/24/1925 (some issues missing). Continued by Holton Signal -- Holton. (Reels: W557-W563).

Wichita Independant -- Wichita: H.W. Sawyer. 11/17/1888 - 6/1/1889 (believed complete). Not continued. (Reel: W2148).