Kansas Historical Quarterly - Autumn 1967
Volume 34
Autumn 1967, No. 3
Henry M. Stanley, "A British Journalist Reports the Medicine Lodge Peace Councils of 1867," p. 249.
Lela Barnes, ed., "Letters of Allen T. Ward, 1842-1851: From the Shawnee and Kaw (Methodist) Missions," p. 321.
Louise Barry, comp., "An Addendum to 'Kansas Before 1854: A Revised Annals—Concluded," p. 377.
Bypaths of Kansas History, p 406.
Kansas History as Reported in the Press, p 407.
Kansas Historical Notes, p 408.
The Cover
"Sa-tan-ti [Satanta] Addressing the Peace Commissioners . . . Medicine Lodge Creek, Ks.," another peace treaty watercolor by Hermann Stieffel, who was present as part of the infantry guard. The generals seated, from left to right, are: A. H. Terry, C. C. Augor, and W. S. Harney. N. G. Taylor, commissioner of Indian Affairs, probably is the civilian with them. The painting is reproduced through the courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution. For contemporary reports of the gathering, see pp. 249-320.
Stieffel painted four Kansas subjects, to our knowledge. All have been reproduced on Kansas Historical Quarterly covers (Summer, 1966; Spring, Summer, and Autumn, 1967). The current cover painting, and that on our Summer, 1967, number, are Medicine Lodge peace treaty scenes of October, 1867. Medicine Lodge is staging centennial reenactments of this celebrated historical event on four afternoons, October 12-15, 1967.