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Kansas Historical Quarterly - August 1945

Kansas Historical Quarterly, August 1945

Volume 13

August 1945, Number 7


About the Contributors

Cover and contents

"General Eisenhower of Kansas," p. 385.

John Francis McDermott, ed., "Isaac McCoy's Second Exploring Trip in 1828," p. 400. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)

Martha B. Caldwell, "Pomeroy's 'Ross Letter': Genuine or Forgery?" p. 463. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)

Bypaths of Kansas History

Kansas History as Published in the Press

Kansas Notes

From the cover: General of the Armies Dwight David Eisenhower who said "the proudest thing I can claim is that I am from Abilene." The portrait is a signed corps photo, received through the courtesy of the War Department and the Union Pacific Railroad Company.