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Edwards County Schools Bibliography

Image of 1887 Edwards County, Kansas map showing locations of rural schools, copied from Fifth Biennial Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture."Belpre Unit Faces New Confusion." Wichita Eagle. May 31, 1966. [1 p.]. (Reel: W 3273).

Clark, L.R. History of Education in Edwards County. Kinsley, KS: Press of the Young American, n.d. (K/379.5/-Ed95/C548).

Edwards County School Superintendent. Edwards County Schools Directory, 1954-1955. Kinsley, KS: Author, 1955. (K/379.5/Ed9/1954).

Edwards County School Superintendent. Edwards County Schools Directory, 1955-1956. Kinsley, KS: Author, 1956. (K/379.5/Ed9/1955).

Edwards County School Superintendent. Edwards County Schools Directory, 1956-1957. Kinsley, KS: Author, 1957. (K/379.5/Ed9/1956).

Edwards County School Superintendent. Edwards County Schools Directory, 1957-1958. Kinsley, KS: Author, 1958. (K/379.5/Ed9/1957).

Edwards County School Superintendent. Edwards County Schools Directory, 1959-1960. Kinsley, KS: Author, 1960. (K/379.5/Ed9/1959).

Edwards County School Superintendent. Edwards County Schools Directory, 1960-1961. Kinsley, KS: Author, 1961. (K/379.5/Ed9/1960).

Edwards County School Superintendent. Edwards County Schools Directory, 1961-1962. Kinsley, KS: Author, 1962. (K/379.5/Ed9/1961).

Edwards County School Superintendent. Edwards County Schools Directory, 1962-1963. Kinsley, KS: Author, 1963. (K/379.5/Ed9/1962).

Edwards County School Superintendent. Faculty for Edwards County, Kansas Schools, 1958-1959. Kinsley, KS: Author, 1959. (K/379.5/Ed9/1958).

Delander, Edna. "Education: The Historical Heritage of the Public Schools of Edwards County." The Kinsley-Edwards County Centennial, 1873-1973. (K978.1/-Ed9/K625/pp. 127-172).

Donavan, Edward. "80-Year-Old Belpre School No Longer Holding Classes." Pratt Tribune. Oct. 9, 1967. [1 p.]. (Reel: P2028).

Fatzer, Hubert. "History of Educational Development in County." Kinsley Mercury. June 25, 1959. [1 p.]. (Reel: K656).

Helstrom, Jackie. "Vote Came Friday: Students Must Find a School." Hutchinson News. Sept. 2, 1967. [1 p.]. (Reel: H2111).

"History of Education in Edwards County." Kinsley Graphic. Dec. 12, 1935. [2 pp.]. (Reel: K600).

Lewis Alumni Association. "Country Schools." 70th Anniversary Edition: Alumni Annual and Directory. Lewis, KS: Lewis, KS: Author, 1980. (K/379/L585/T/pp. 138-162).

"Lewis Voters Okay School Bond Issue." Hutchinson News. Jan. 28, 1970. [1 p.]. (Reel: H2132).

Mosher, Ida. "History of Early Schools Told By Former Teacher." Kinsley Mercury. Feb. 15, 1940. [1 p.]. (Reel: K640).

Richardson, Myrtle H. "Education in Edwards County." Oft' Told Tales: A History of Edwards County, Kansas, to 1900. Lewis, KS: Lewis Press, 1976. (K978.1/-Ed9/R395/pp. 107-123).