As Published - February 1943
February 1943 (Vol. 12, No. 1), pages 106 to 107.
Transcribed by lhn;
digitized with permission of the Kansas Historical Society.
The Oswego Independent resumed publication of R. B. Williams' articles entitled "Pioneer Days" in its issues of August 14, 28, September 4, 11, 18, 25, October 2, 9. 30, November 13 and December 25, 1942.
Included among articles on Kansas history published in recent issues of the Kansas City (Mo.) Star were: "Good Fighters and Storytellers Among Johnson County Settlers [Annual Reunion of Old Families at Olathe] " by Jessie Hodges, September 5, 1942; "Boot Hill Was a Burying Ground for a Period of Only Six Years," by Paul I. Wellman, October 13; "Ft. Leavenworth's Polishing Class Is Close to Actual Battle Fronts" by Sigrid Arne, November 13; "The Silent Partner [William Bradford Waddell] Who Made History and Lost Fortunes on the Great Plains," by Paul I. Wellman, November 22, and "Soldiers in South Seas and Africa Cross the Trail of the Johnsons [Osa and Martin]," by Dwight Pennington, November 26.
The following Kansas historical subjects were discussed by Victor Murdock in his column in the Wichita (Evening) Eagle in recent months: "Memory of a Breakfast on Prairie Frontier in the Winter of 1871," September 7, 1942, "One Annual Happening in the Life of Wichita [Harvest Hands Attracted by the Wheat] Is Now Only a Memory," September 11; "How Prairies Contract [Visual Changes Wrought by Aviation] From Period to Period One of Wonders of West," September 12; "Many Workers in a Crew Serving Threshing-Machine in the Pioneer Days Here," September 14; "When a Passenger Train, No. 403 of Santa Fe System, Ran Red Light With Dash," September 15; "Cherokee Outlet Opened Forty-nine Years Ago; Last of the Frontiers," September 16; "First Big Plane Landed in Wichita, Nov. 12, 1926 and Brought a Vision," September 17; Bible of Delaware Chief , Rev. Charles Journeycake, Is Preserved in Wichita," September 21 "One Arrival in Wichita [Joe Irwin's Impressive Bull Train]~Caused a Stir in Town in the Summer of 1870," September 29; "Ranchman of Old Days Who Was a Line Rider [Watched Over Feces] a Resident of Wicita" October 1; "Refusal of Some Men to Take Shot at Buffalo Part of Prairie Picture" October 16; "Legend of the Origin of a Drink of Seminoles
That Is Known as Abuska," October 17; "Early Belief in Bluestem Accredited It as Herald of Oncoming Civilization," October 30; "Part of Wichita Story Found in the Sidewalks Used in Various Eras," October 31; "When L. M. Crawford, Wichita, Introduced Famous Opera to the People of United States," November 2; "Vision of the Pioneers Which Made the Prairies Most Fascinating Lure," November 3; "Changes That Came About in the First Fifteen Years After Settlement Here," November 6; "Travelers on Schedule First Appeared Here as Drivers of Stages," November 11; "Striking Feature of Life in Early Days of Wichita an Interest in Mining," November 12; "Dried Buffalo Meat Here Was Quoted on the Market in 1878 Ten Cents a Pound," November 13; "Early Day Wagon Trip From Abilene Southward as Pioneer Remembers It," November 23; "Most Brilliant Chapter in History of Farming Staged on the Prairies," November 24; "Tracing the First Trip Made by [the David L.] Payne Boomers to the North Canadian," December 2; "Contrast in the Winters of the Early Days Here and Those of the Present," December 3; "Optimism. of Pioneers in This City and County During Dreadful Winter [of 1874-1875]," December 4; "Hints on Oil Treasure Offered Kansas People Through a Long Period," December 5; "Interesting Data on Oil in Territorial Kansas by Professor Ver Wiebe," December 11; "Law Side of Contention Made by DaVid L. Payne About Oklahoma Lands," December 12; "His [Will Sexton's] Experience Proves Distances Here Were Less in the Very Early Days," December 14; "Time on Frontier Here When Sunflower Stalks and Hay Served as Fuel," December 18; "When Mail to Coffeechee [or Cofachique] in Kansas Got Through Despite a Balky Horse," December 21; "Christmas in Wichita When City Was Cluster of Log Cabins on Prairie," December 22; "Contrasts Christmas Time Shown Seventy Years Ago in a Frontier Wichita," December 23; "One Imposing Cavalcade Headed South Overland Had Distinguished Party [Senatorial Investigating Committee]," December 28, and "S. 0. S. Wichita Sent Out For Flouring Mill Help in the Summer of 1873," December 29.
The Kirwin Kansan issued a special edition October 1, 1942, announcing the Kirwin old settlers' reunion. Included among several short historical articles were: "Kirwin's First Band," "The First Postmaster at Kirwin," and "Kirwin History." Several Views of sod houses were featured with a brief description of how they were built, and a "Kirwin Street Scene 1879" was pictured on the front page.