1920 Kansas Federal Census
The federal Bureau of the Census conducted a census of the state in 1920.
Contents of 1920 federal census
Indexes to 1920 federal census
Microfilm of census schedules
Information Contained in the Census
All members of household by name, including age, sex, race or color, marital status, occupation, ability to read and write, state or country of birth, relationship to the head of the household, and occupation. Also listed: whether home is owned or rented and status of mortgage, citizenship status, whether attended school that year, parents' birth place and mother tongue, and whether able to speak English.
Indexes Available
Indexes on Microfilm
Microfilm of the Miracode index is available in the Historical Society's reference room. This microfilm does not circulate through interlibrary loan.
Census Microfilm
This microfilm does not circulate through interlibrary loan. Counties are not microfilmed in alphabetical order.
- K-1 Allen, Anderson & Chautauqua Counties
- K-2 Atchison, Barber & Butler Counties
- K-3 Barton, Butler & Chase Counties
- K-4 Bourbon, Brown & Clark Counties
- K-5 Cherokee & Cloud Counties
- K-6 Cheyenne, Clay, Coffey, Comanche & Cowley Counties
- K-7 Cowley & Crawford Counties
- K-8 Crawford, Decatur & Elk Counties
- K-9 Dickinson, Doniphan, Edwards & Gove Counties
- K-10 Douglas, Ellis & Ellsworth Counties
- K-11 Finney, Ford, Franklin, Grant, Greeley & Hamilton Counties
- K-12 Geary, Gray, Graham, Gray, Greenwood & Harper Counties
- K-13 Harper, Harvey, Haskell, Hodgeman, Jackson & Jefferson Counties
- K-14 Jefferson, Jewell, Johnson, Kearney & Lane Counties
- K-15 Kingman, Kiowa & Labette Counties
- K-16 Leavenworth, Lincoln & Logan Counties
- K-17 Linn, Lyon & Morris Counties
- K-18 McPherson, Marion & Morton Counties
- K-19 Marshall & Mitchell Counties
- K-20 Meade, Miami & Montgomery Counties
- K-21 Montgomery and NeoshoCounties
- K-22 Ness, Norton, Osage & Ottawa Counties
- K-23 Osborne, Pawnee, Phillips & Pottawatomie Counties
- K-24 Pratt, Rawlins, Riley & Rooks Counties
- K-25 Reno County
- K-26 Republic, Rice, Rush & Russell Counties
- K-27 Saline, Scott & Sedgwick Counties
- K-28 Sedgwick County
- K-29 Sedgwick, Seward & Shawnee Counties
- K-30 Shawnee & Sheridan Counties
- K-31 Sherman, Smith, Stafford, Stanton, Stevens, Thomas & Trego Counties
- K-32 Sumner, Wabaunsee & Woodson Counties
- K-33 Wallace, Washington, Wichita, Wilson & Wyandotte Counties
- K-34 Wyandotte County
- K-35 Wyandotte County
- K-36 Census Enumeration District Descriptions--Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana