1880 Kansas Federal Census
The federal Bureau of the Census conducted a census of the state in 1880.
Contents of 1880 federal census
Indexes to 1880 federal census
Microfilm of census schedules
Special census schedules
Agricultural schedules
Information Contained in the Census
All members of household by name, including age, sex, race or color, marital status, occupation, ability to read and write, state or country of birth, relationship to the head of the household, and birthplace (state or country) of each person's parents. Parents' names were not given unless they were listed in person as members of the household. Also listed: whether the individual was sick or temporarily disabled on the census date, and the reason. Persons who were blind, deaf-mute, insane, or permanently disabled are listed both in the regular census and in the special schedules, which contain further information about their condition.
Indexes Available
Indexes on Microfilm
Soundex for each household with a child 10 years or younger available on microfilm. This microfilm does not circulate through interlibrary loan.
Printed Indexes
Available in the Historical Society's reference room.
- Mortality schedule compilation (reference shelf)
- Brown County (call no. K 929.4 -B81 1880)
- Clark County (call no. K 929.4 -C54 1880)
- Clay County (call no. K 929.4 -C57 1880)
- Cloud County (call no. K 929.4 -C62 1880)
- Crawford County (call no. K 929.4 -C85 1880)
- Davis (Geary) County (call no. K 929.4 -G26 1880)
- Dickinson County (call no. K 929.4 -D56 1880)
- Doniphan County (call no. K 929.4 -D71 1880)
- Ellsworth County (call no. K 929.4 -El6 1880)
- Labette County (City of Parsons only) (call no. K 929.4 -L11 P251)
- Lane County (call no. K 929.4 -L24)
- McPherson County
- Marion County (call no. K 929.4 -M34 1880)
- Marshall County (call no. K 929.4 -M35 1880)
- Mitchell County (call no. K 929.4 -M69 1880)
- Montgomery County (call no. K 929.4 -M76 1880)
- Montgomery County, Cherry Township (call no. K 929.4 -M76 1870-1900)
- Montgomery County, W. Cherry Township (call no. K 929.4 -M76 1880-1900)
- Morris County (call no. K 929.4 -M83 1880)
- Nemaha County (call no. K 929.4 -N34 1880)
- Pottawatomie County (call no. K 929.4 -P85 1880)
- Pratt County (call no. K 929.4 -P88 1880)
- Reno County (call no. K 929.4 -R29 1880)
- Republic County (call no. K 929.4 -R30 1880)
- Riley County (call no. K 929.4 -R45 1855-1880)
- Shawnee County, Menoken Township (call no. K 929.4 -Sh1 M527 1880)
- Smith County (call no. K 929.4 -Sm5 1870-1880)
- Wabaunsee County (call no. K 929.4 -W11 1880)
- Washington County (call no. K 929.4 -W27 G361 1880)
- Wilson County (call no. K 929.4 -W69 1880)
- Wilson County (call no. K 929 H425 vol. 5, no. 1)
Census Microfilm
This microfilm does not circulate through interlibrary loan.
- K-1 Allen, Anderson, Arapahoe and Atchison Counties
- K-2 Barber, Barton, and Bourbon [part] Counties
- K-3 Bourbon [part] Brown, Buffalo and Butler [part] Counties
- K-4 Butler, Chase, Chautauqua and Cherokee [part] Counties
- K-5 Cherokee [part], Cheyenne, Clark, Clay and Cloud [part] Counties
- K-6 Cloud [part], Coffey, Comanche and Cowley [part] Counties
- K-7 Cowley [part], Crawford, and Davis [part] Counties
- K-8 Davis [part], Decatur, Dickinson, and Doniphan Counties
- K-9 Douglas, Edwards and Elk Counties
- K-10 Ellis, Ellsworth, Foote (became part of Gray County), Ford and Franklin [part] Counties
- K-11 Franklin [part], Gove, Graham, Grant, Greeley, Greenwood, Hamilton, Harper and Harvey Counties
- K-12 Hodgeman, Jackson, Jefferson and Jewell [part] Counties
- K-13 Jewell [part], Johnson, Kingman, Kearney and Labette [part] Counties
- K-14 Labette [part], Lane and Leavenworth [part] Counties
- K-15 Leavenworth city [part]; Lincoln and Linn [part] Counties
- K-16 Linn [part], Lyon and McPherson Counties
- K-17 Marion, Marshall, Meade and Miami [part] Counties
- K-18 Miami [part], Mitchell and Montgomery [part] Counties
- K-19 Montgomery [part], Morris, Nemaha and Neosho [part] Counties
- K-20 Neosho [part], Ness, Norton and Osage [part]
- K-21 Osage [part], Osborne, Ottawa, Pawnee, and Phillips [part] Counties
- K-22 Phillips [part], Pottawatomie, Pratt, Rawlins and Reno [part] Counties
- K-23 Reno [part], Republic, Rice and Riley [part] Counties
- K-24 Riley [part], Rooks, Rush, Russell and Saline [part] Counties
- K-25 Saline [part], Scott, Sedgwick, Sequoyah (became part of Gray and Finney), Seward and Shawnee [part] Counties
- K-26 Shawnee [part], Sheridan, Sherman and Smith Counties
- K-27 Stafford, Stanton, Stevens, Sumner, Trego and Wabaunsee [part] Counties
- K-28 Wabaunsee [part], Wallace, Washington, Wichita, Wilson and Woodson [part] Counties
- K-29 Woodson [part] and Wyandotte Counties
Special Schedules - Manufacturing
List the name of company or owner and details about the kind, quantity, and value of materials, labor, machinery, and products.
- K-61 Allen - Jewell Counties
- K-62 Johnson - Sedgwick Counties
- K-63 Shawnee - Wyandotte Counties
Special Schedules - Mortality
There are two sets of mortality schedules which are identical. Reels K-30 through K-32 are easier to read. These list each person who died between 1 June 1879 and 1 June 1880, giving name, age, sex, color, marital status, occupation, birthplace, month and cause of death, and name of attending physician.
- K-30 Allen - Ellis Counties
- K-31 Foote - Morris Counties
- K-32 Nemaha - Wyandotte Counties
- K-33 Allen - Lyon Counties
- K-34 McPherson - Wyandotte Counties
Special Schedules - Supplemental
These are entitled "Supplemental Schedules for the Defective, Dependent and Delinquent Classes [Insane, Idiots, Deaf-Mutes, Blind, Homeless Children, prisons, and Paupers and Indigents . . .]."
- K-64 Allen - Ellsworth Counties
- K-65 Foote - Mitchell Counties
- K-66 Montgomery - Stafford Counties
- K-67 Sumner - Wyandotte Counties
For each farm of three acres or more, or with an annual production of at least $500, these list the owner, agent, or tenant and have information about the acreage, farm machinery, crops, and livestock.
- K-35 Allen - Barber Counties
- K-36 Barton - Bourbon Counties
- K-37 Brown - Butler Counties
- K-38 Chase - Clark Counties
- K-39 Clay - Coffey [part] Counties
- K-40 Coffey [part] - Crawford [part] Counties
- K-41 Crawford [part] - Dickinson Counties
- K-42 Doniphan - Elk [part] Counties
- K-43 Elk [part] - Franklin Counties
- K-44 Kearney - Leavenworth [part] Counties
- K-45 Leavenworth [part] - Linn Counties
- K-46 Lyon - McPherson Counties
- K-47 Marion - Miami [part] Counties
- K-48 Miami [part] - Montgomery [part] Counties
- K-49 Montgomery [part] - Neosho [part] Counties
- K-50 Neosho [part] - Osage [part] Counties
- K-51 Osage [part] - Pawnee [part] Counties
- K-52 Pawnee [part] - Pottawatomie Counties
- K-53 Pratt - Republic [part] Counties
- K-54 Republic [part] - Rooks [part] Counties
- K-55 Rooks [part] - Saline [part] Counties
- K-56 Saline [part] - Shawnee [part] Counties
- K-57 Shawnee [part] - Stafford Counties
- K-58 Sumner - Wabaunsee Counties
- K-59 Wabaunsee [part] - Wilson Counties
- K-60 Woodson - Wyandotte Counties
- K-60a Census Enumeration District Descriptions--States DK-KY