1875 Kansas State Census
The Kansas State Board of Agriculture conducted a census of the state in 1875.
Contents of 1875 state census
Indexes to 1875 state census
Microfilm of census schedules
Information Contained in the Census
The 1875 census lists all members of household by name, including age, sex, race or color, state or country of birth, and where from to Kansas (state or country).
Indexes Available
Indexes on Microfilm
The microfilm index circulates through interlibrary loan. Please list the year and reel number when placing an interlibrary loan request.
- KS-1 1 Child - Alexander, E.M.
- KS-2 Alexander, Earl M. - Anderson, Cath
- KS-3 Anderson, Cath - Arnold, Willie
- KS-4 Arnold, Willie - Bailey, E.E.
- KS-5 Bailey, E.E.J. - Banks, H.I.
- KS-6 Banks, H.M. - Bartlett, Jessie
- KS-7 Bartlett, L.M. - Beck, Phoebe
- KS-8 Beck, R.K. - Bennitt, Oscer
- KS-9 Benoist, J. - Binyon, R.L.
- KS-10 Bipps, M. - Bloom, Jacab
- KS-11 Bloom, John - Bottinger, Sophrona
- KS-12 Bottles, Anna - Brady, Patrick
- KS-13 Brady, Peter - Brodt, W.
- KS-14 Brodwell, Ada - Brown, Ross
- KS-15 Brown, Rossella J. - Bunch, Dora
- KS-16 Bunch, E.E. - Butler, Anna
- KS-17 Butler, Annie - Cambell, Lucy
- KS-18 Cambell, Lue W. - Carson, S.S.
- KS-19 Carson, Sallie A. - Champlin, E.
- KS-20 Champlin, E. - Claasen, J.
- KS-21 Clabor, Frank - Cline, Isabella
- KS-22 Cline, J. - Collins, Asenth
- KS-23 Collins, B. - Cook, J.W.
- KS-24 Cook, J.W. - Coulter, Stephen
- KS-25 Coulter, T.J. - Cray, O.
- KS-26 Cray, S.T. - Cunningham, G.W.
- KS-27 Cunningham, G.W. - Darrow, G.A.
- KS-28 Darrow, G.H. - Dawning, T.E.
- KS-29 Dawson, Infant - Denton, M.J.
- KS-30 Denton, Magdalene - Dicnhinsheets, Wm.
- KS-31 Dick, "No Name" - Divelbiss, J.W.
- KS-32 Divelbiss, John - Donkin, Laura L.
- KS-33 Donlaham, A.M. - Douglas, Cyntha
- KS-34 Douglas, D. - Duncan, William
- KS-35 Duncan, William - Eaton, Charles
- KS-36 Eaton, Chas. H. - Egbert, M.
- KS-37 Ege, A.A. - Ellinger, John F.
- KS-38 Ellinger, M. - Emert, Julia
- KS-39 Emery, - Erexson, Jacob
- KS-40 Ergenbright, Adah - Fairman, Francis M.
- KS-41 Fairman, James M. - Fickett, C.
- KS-42 Fickett, F. - Fleming, Jane
- KS-43 Fleming, Jane - Foster, J.B.
- KS-44 Foster, J.C. - Freitag, Carry
- KS-45 Freitag, Chas. - Fuka, Mary
- KS-46 Fulbright, Martha - Gadberry, Nettie
- KS-47 Gadberry, R.H. - Ganson, W.L.
- KS-48 Gant, A.J. - Garrey, George
- KS-49 Garrigues, E.J. - Gates, Fanny
- KS-50 Gates, Flora - Gilbert, Mary
- KS-51 Gilbert, Mary J. - Goerts, Mariah
- KS-52 Goerz, H. - Graham, Fred O.
- KS-53 Graham, G. - Gregg, Jennie
- KS-54 Gregg, John - Gundelfinger, Cora
- KS-55 Gundelfinger, Elizabeth - Hahn, George
- KS-56 Hahn, Gertrude - Hall, Leton
- KS-57 Hall, Lettie - Hankins,
- KS-58 Hankins, (see Hawkins) - Hardy, Wm. D.
- KS-59 Hare, A.P. - Harrington, Augustus
- KS-60 Harrington, C. - Hart, Polly
- KS-61 Hart, R. - Haste, Mary
- KS-62 Haster, Chas. - Hawks, W.E.
- KS-63 Hawl, Ann - Heath, Mary
- KS-64 Heath, Mary - Hellard, Thomas
- KS-65 Hellem, Fredrick - Henry, H.
- KS-66 Henry, H.E. - Higginbottom, Matilda
- KS-67 Higgins, - Hoagland, Ida V.
- KS-68 Hoagland, J. - Hollaway, Mary
- KS-69 Holloway, Mary - Hospitalier, Mary
- KS-70 Hoss, A. - Huelett, W.
- KS-71 Hueltt (?) B. - Hurd, B.M.
- KS-72 Hurd, Bessie - Irwin, L.E.
- KS-73 Irwin, Lafayette - Jeeter, J.E.
- KS-74 Jetter, M.E. - Johnson, Geo. F.
- KS-75 Johnson, George L. - Jones, E.F.
- KS-76 Jones, E. F. - Juvenal, Mary A.
- KS-77 Kabensey, Anne - Kelly, C.T.
- KS-78 Kelly, C.W. - Kerr, S.A.
- KS-79 Kettingnny, Sam - Kirk, Lavina
- KS-80 Kirk, Lucy - Kooch, M.E.
- KS-81 Koofer, Jacob - Lankin, C.E.
- KS-82 Lankin, Cyrus - Layance, Viola
- KS-83 Lave, - Lemon, Alice
- KS-84 Lemon, Aphred - Lindgren, Ida
- KS-85 Lindgren, John - Long, Patrick
- KS-86 Long, Paul - Lull, James M.
- KS-87 Lull, Kate - McCarney, C.
- KS-88 McCarney, Clara - McCray, Rosette
- KS-89 McCray, S.B. - McGrath, William
- KS-90 McGraw, A. - McMillen, A.J.
- KS-91 McMillen, B. - Mahannah, D.M.
- KS-92 Mahannah, Jacob - Marks, F.C.
- KS-93 Marks, Frank - Mason, Abram
- KS-94 Mason, Ada - Mead, Johanna
- KS-95 Mead, John - Meyers, P.E.
- KS-96 Meyers, R. - Miller, M.J.
- KS-97 Miller, M.J. - Mobley, Lou
- KS-98 Mobley, M. - Moore, William
- KS-99 Moore, Wm. - Mortimer, E.
- KS-100 Mortimer, E. - Murphy, M.
- KS-101 Murphy, M. - Neighbors, Martha L.
- KS-102 Neighbors, Mary A. - Nichols, Lura F.
- KS-103 Nichols, M. - Nutt, Eliza
- KS-104 Nutt, Henry - Orcutt, A.M.
- KS-105 Orcutt, Anna - Palmer, Edward
- KS-106 Palmer, Edward - Paton, Nathan
- KS-107 Paton, Nathan - Peltier, Ezekial A.
- KS-108 Peltier, John B. - Pexon, M.A.
- KS-109 Pe-we Sick, Frank - Pitcher, Charles
- KS-110 Pitcher, Delie E. - Pound, R.A.
- KS-111 Pound, R.F. - Pucket, M.J.
- KS-112 Pucket, Mary - Randall, Geo. W.
- KS-113 Randall, H. - Reece, Emily
- KS-114 Reece, Emma A. - Reynolds, Ada A.
- KS-115 Reynolds, Ada B. - Ridenour, E.M.
- KS-116 Ridenour, Endora - Roberts, G.W.
- KS-117 Roberts, G.W. - Rogers, George
- KS-118 Rogers, George - Roly, Irvin
- KS-119 Romain, M.T. - Rosonder, Andrew
- KS-120 Ross, - Row, R.A.
- KS-121 Row, R.A. - Ruger, Razey
- KS-122 Rugg, A.B. - Russell, Rufais
- KS-123 Russell, S. - Sabin, Fannie
- KS-124 Sabin, Frank - Scandrett, Mary
- KS-125 Scanlan, Benjamin - Scott, Curley
- KS-126 Scott, D. - Senne, Christoph
- KS-127 Senne, Dorothia - Sheckell, D.D.
- KS-128 Sheckell, George - Sholz, W.
- KS-129 Shomber, Henry - Simpson, Viola
- KS-130 Simpson, W. - Smith, Abe
- KS-131 Smith, Aberham - Smith, Lizie
- KS-132 Smith, Lizza - Snyder, Cathrine
- KS-133 Snyder, Chas. - Spicklemire, J.
- KS-134 Spicklemire, L. - Stapleton, E.F.
- KS-135 Stapleton, Ella F. - Stevonsson
- KS-136 Steward - Stonebraker, S.
- KS-137 Stonebraker, S.A. - Stutsman, S.C.
- KS-138 Stutsman, S.E. - Sweet, Andrew
- KS-139 Sweet, Ann - Taylor, Lizzie
- KS-140 Taylor, Lizzie - Thomas, Robert P.
- KS-141 Thomas, Robert R. - Tichlofeen, Mary E.
- KS-142 Tichlofeen, Rosa - Treadoff, Mary
- KS-143 Treadway, A.M. - Tutt, Emma
- KS-144 Tutt, Ezra - Vanhorn, Vandiver
- KS-145 Van Horn, Wm. - Wadsack, Geo.
- KS-146 Wadsack, Gustave - Walter, Matilda
- KS-147 Walter, Mina A. - Watkins, Barton
- KS-148 Watkins, Benjamin - Weide (see Weicle)
- KS-149 Weide, E. - Wetherill, A.
- KS-150 Wetherill, C. - Whitehead, Emma
- KS-151 Whitehead, Flora - Wilkinson, West E.
- KS-152 Wilkinson, William W. - Williams, Willie
- KS-153 Williams, Willie - Wilson, Thomas B.
- KS-154 Wilson, Tilton - Wolt
- KS-155 Wolverton, A. - Wray, Charles Brownlow
- KS-156 Wray, Dolly Jane - Young, J.K.
- KS-157 Young, J.L. - Zyke, Mary
Printed Indexes
Available in the Historical Society's reference room.
- Crawford County (call no. K 929.4 -C85 1875)
- Dickinson County (call no. K 929.4 -D56 1875)
- Harvey County (call no. K 929.4 Pam vol. 1, no. 1)
- Jefferson County (call no. K 929.4 -J35 1875)
- Montgomery County, Cherry Township (call no. K 929.4 -M76 1870-1900)
- Pawnee County (call no. K 929.4 -P28 1875)
- Phillips County (call no. K 929.4 -P54 1875)
- Riley County (call no. K 929.4 -R45 1855-1880)
- Saline County (city of Salina only) (call no. K 929.4 -Sa3 Sa33 1875)
- Sedgwick County (call no. K 929.4 -Se2 1875)
- Sumner County (call no. K 929.4 -Su6 1875)
- Wilson County (call no. 929.4 -W69 1875)
Census Microfilm
The 1875 state census circulates through interlibrary loan from KSHS. Please indicate year and reel number when requesting microfilm.
Note: Howard County was split into Elk and Chautauqua Counties in 1875. If you are looking for someone in Elk County, Center Township (which later became Wild Cat & Elk Falls townships), check also Chautauqua County, Center Township.
- K-1 Allen, Anderson, Atchison and Barber Counties
- K-2 Barton, Bourbon and Brown Counties
- K-3 Butler, Chase and Chautauqua [part of Howard] Counties
- K-4 Cherokee County
- K-5 Clay, Cloud and Coffey Counties
- K-6 Cowley, Crawford, Davis and Dickinson Counties
- K-7 Doniphan and Douglas Counties
- K-8 Edwards, [for Elk see Howard], Ellis, Ellsworth, Ford, Franklin and Greenwood Counties
- K-9 Harvey, Howard [Elk] and Jackson Counties
- K-10 Jefferson, Jewell and Johnson Counties
- K-11 Labette County and Leavenworth City
- K-12 Leavenworth [except Leavenworth city], Lincoln and Linn Counties
- K-13 Lyon, McPherson, Marion and Marshall Counties
- K-14 Miami and Mitchell Counties
- K-15 Montgomery, Morris and Nemaha Counties
- K-16 Neosho, Norton, Osage and Osborne Counties
- K-17 Ottawa, Pawnee, Phillips and Pottawatomie Counties
- K-18 Reno, Republic, Rice, Riley, Rush and Russell Counties
- K-19 Saline, Sedgwick and Shawnee Counties
- K-20 Smith, Sumner, Wabaunsee and Washington Counties
- K-21 Wilson, Woodson and Wyandotte Counties