1860 Kansas Federal Census
The federal census bureau conducted a census of the territory in 1860.
Information contained in 1860 federal census
Indexes to 1860 federal census
Microfilm of 1860 federal census schedules
Information Contained in the Census
All members of household by name, including age, sex, race or color, occupation, state or country of birth, value of real estate and personal property, whether married during the year, and whether blind, deaf-mute, insane, idiotic, a pauper, or a convict.
Special Note: Two sets of the census schedules exist for 1860. The set available from KSHS is the one retained by the territorial government; the other was sent to Washington and is available through the National Archives. Page numbers do not match between the two sets. The microfilmed schedules listed below should be used with the microfilmed index. Do not use with the printed index.
1860 Federal Census Indexes
Indexes on Microfilm
The microfilm index circulates through interlibrary loan. Please list the year and reel number when placing an interlibrary loan request.
- KS-1 Unknown Surname - Barksdale, T.J.
- KS-2 Barleer, ?. D. - Bradford, G.L.
- KS-3 Bradford, George - Carnes, Josephus
- KS-4 Carnes, -Killer, -Jasper - Cook, M.E.
- KS-5 Cook, M.E. - Copffield, M.
- KS-6 Crabb, G. - Devoe, W.
- KS-7 Daw, C.W. - Ekindiger, Peter
- KS-8 El - Futts
- KS-9 FW - Goyne, E.M.
- KS-10 Grabb, Fredrick - Hakins, N.
- KS-11 Halan, Calvin - Hnasier, Margaret
- KS-12 Ho-Jefferson, William
- KS-13 Jeffery - Lafon
- KS-14 Laforce, Cynthia - Lhonahon, Jno. A.
- KS-15 Liab, H. - McDonald, Elisa
- KS-16 McDonald, Eliza - McWilliams, Wm. A.
- KS-17 Mabee, ? Jas. - Millet, L.H.
- KS-18 Millice, A.D. - Musgrove, Mary
- KS-19 Musgrove, Nancy - Overley, Williams
- KS-20 Overly, Abraham - Pierce, Belinda
- KS-21 Pierce, C.B. - Ray, Mary E.
- KS-22 Ray, Mary I. - Rodgers, John
- KS-23 Rodgers, John - Scott, F.W.
- KS-24 Scott, Fanny - Sizers, S.
- KS-25 Skacy, Saml. - Smythe, J.
- KS-26 Snackham, Sam - Staily, Mary
- KS-27 Staily, Ouel M. - Swank, William
- KS-28 Swanson, Isabella - Trevor, Benj.
- KS-29 Trew, C.C. - Walzing, J.
- KS-30 Wamack, Allen - Whitney, M.
- KS-31 Whitney, M. - Wooduff, G.N.
- KS-32 Woodward, A. - Yisher, Paul
- KS-33 Yoakum, Abijah - Zwanziger, Thressa
Indexes Online
Printed Indexes
Entire state (reference shelf)
This printed index is available in the Historical Society's reference room. The printed index serves as a guide to the 1860 federal census schedules available from the National Archives not to the schedules available from the KSHS. - Mortality schedule compilation (reference shelf)
- Brown County (call no. K 929.4 -B66 1860)
- Clay County (call no. K 929.4 -C57 1860)
- Coffey County (call no. K 929.4 -C65 1860)
- Davis (Geary) County (call no. K 929.4 -G26 1860)
- Doniphan County (call no. K 929.4 -D71 1860)
- Johnson County (call no. K 929.4 -J63 1860)
- Madison County (call no. K 929.4 Pam v.3 no. 2)
- Marion County (call no. K 929.4 -M34 1860)
- Pottawatomie County (call no. 929.4 -P85 1860)
- Riley County, 1855-1880 (call no. K 929.4 -R45 1855-1880)
- Wabaunsee County (call no. K 929.4 -W11 1860)
1860 Federal Census Schedules on Microfilm
Population Schedules
This census consists of four reels of microfilm. The counties are listed in alphabetical order with the corresponding reel number. Please indicate year and reel number when requesting microfilm through interlibrary loan.
- Allen K-1
- Anderson K-3
- Arapahoe [Colorado] K-4
- Atchison K-1
- Bourbon K-1
- Breckenridge (changed to Lyon in 1862, see also Madison) K-2
- Brown K-1
- Butler (see also Hunter & Otoe) K-2
- Chase K-2
- Cherokee - use McGhee
- Clay K-3
- Coffey K-2
- Davis (changed to Geary in 1889) K-3
- Dickinson K-2
- Doniphan K-1
- Dorn (changed to Neosho in 1861) K-1
- Douglas K-2
- Franklin K-3
- Geary - use Davis
- Godfrey K-3
- Greenwood (see also Madison) K-3
- Hunter (became part of Butler) K-2
- Jackson K-2
- Jefferson K-2
- Johnson K-2
- Leavenworth K-4
- Linn K-3
- Lyon - use Breckenridge
- McGhee (changed to Cherokee in 1860) K-3
- Madison (divided between Lyon & Greenwood) K-2
- Marion K-2
- Marshall K-1
- Morris K-2
- Nemaha K-1
- Neosho - use Dorn
- Osage K-3
- Otoe (became part of Butler) K-2
- Pottawatomie K-2
- Riley K-3
- Shawnee K-3
- Wabaunsee K-2
- Washington K-1
- Wilson K-3
- Woodson K-3
- Wyandotte K-4
Special Schedules - Mortality
This lists each person who died between 1 June 1859 and 1 June 1860, giving name, age, sex, color, marital status, birthplace, whether slave or free, occupation, and month of death, cause of death, and length of final illness.
- Mortality Schedules for 1860 K-5