1855-1925 Kansas Census Indexes
The following is a list of indexes to Kansas state censuses, which are available in the State Archives research room in Topeka. Indexes for all of these censuses available online on our research room computers at ancestry.com.
Some microfilm copies of state census indexes are available through interlibrary loan. To request a Kansas census on microfilm through interlibrary loan, please indicate the year and the reel number. Microfilm copies of federal census indexes, also known as Soundex, do not circulate through interlibrary loan.
Entire state available in book form and microfilm of the card index, reel number KS-1.
Entire state available in book form.
Entire state available in book form and microfilm of card index created by WPA. This microfilm circulates through interlibrary loan. The list below indicates which surnames are on which reel of microfilm.
- KS-1 Unknown Surname - Barksdale, T.J.
- KS-2 Barleer, ?. D. - Bradford, G.L.
- KS-3 Bradford, George - Carnes, Josephus
- KS-4 Carnes, -Killer, -Jasper - Cook, M.E.
- KS-5 Cook, M.E. - Copffield, M.
- KS-6 Crabb, G. - Devoe, W.
- KS-7 Daw, C.W. - Ekindiger, Peter
- KS-8 El - Futts
- KS-9 FW - Goyne, E.M.
- KS-10 Grabb, Fredrick - Hakins, N.
- KS-11 Halan, Calvin - Hnasier, Margaret
- KS-12 Ho-Jefferson, William
- KS-13 Jeffery - Lafon
- KS-14 Laforce, Cynthia - Lhonahon, Jno. A.
- KS-15 Liab, H. - McDonald, Elisa
- KS-16 McDonald, Eliza - McWilliams, Wm. A.
- KS-17 Mabee, ? Jas. - Millet, L.H.
- KS-18 Millice, A.D. - Musgrove, Mary
- KS-19 Musgrove, Nancy - Overley, Williams
- KS-20 Overly, Abraham - Pierce, Belinda
- KS-21 Pierce, C.B. - Ray, Mary E.
- KS-22 Ray, Mary I. - Rodgers, John
- KS-23 Rodgers, John - Scott, F.W.
- KS-24 Scott, Fanny - Sizers, S.
- KS-25 Skacy, Saml. - Smythe, J.
- KS-26 Snackham, Sam - Staily, Mary
- KS-27 Staily, Ouel M. - Swank, William
- KS-28 Swanson, Isabella - Trevor, Benj.
- KS-29 Trew, C.C. - Walzing, J.
- KS-30 Wamack, Allen - Whitney, M.
- KS-31 Whitney, M. - Wooduff, G.N.
- KS-32 Woodward, A. - Yisher, Paul
- KS-33 Yoakum, Abijah - Zwanziger, Thressa
The following are available on-line:
- Marshall County, Blue Rapids Township index - on-line
- Marshall County, Marysville Township index - on-line
Indexes on Microfilm
The microfilm index circulates through interlibrary loan. Please list the year and reel number when placing an interlibrary loan request.
- KS-1 No Name - Babcock, Eli
- KS-2 Babcock, James - Bell, Isaac F.
- KS-3 Bell, Isabel - Boutwell, Emily
- KS-4 Boutwell, G.H. - Buckley, Mrs. (Jas.)
- KS-5 Buckley, Jas. - Carter, Joseph
- KS-6 Carter, Joseph - Cogwen, John
- KS-7 Coh - Cory, Wm. R.
- KS-8 Cosby, Hattie - Davis, Andrew
- KS-9 Davis, Amelia - Dexter, Silas
- KS-10 Dey, John - Duty, John
- KS-11 Duval, Arthur - Ferrell, Josephine
- KS-12 Ferrell, Josiah - Gaites, Henry
- KS-13 Galager, Pat - Gould, W.H.
- KS-14 Gould, W.H. - Hanford, Isabel
- KS-15 Hanford, Mariah - Hensley, Sarah
- KS-16 Hensley, Sarah A. - Hott, D.
- KS-17 Hott, John W. - James, M.E.
- KS-18 James, M.E. - Kelly, Mrs. Edw.
- KS-19 Kelly, Elen - Landers, S.B.
- KS-20 Landers, Squire - Love, W.T.
- KS-21 Love, Wm. - McKey, J.W.
- KS-22 McKey, M.C. - Mathews, Adelia
- KS-23 Mathews, Anne - Montgomery, Saml.
- KS-24 Montgomery, Sarah - Nickells, W.S.
- KS-25 Nickels, Andrew J. - Paul, L.B.
- KS-26 Paul, Laura - Pound, Isabella B.
- KS-27 Powell, Abriham Lincoln - Reilly, E.
- KS-28 Reilly, Elizabeth - Root, Caroline
- KS-29 Root, Charles A. - Seal's, Amond
- KS-30 Seals, Alexander - Sloan, M.P.
- KS-31 Sloan, Mary - Squires, Wm. M.
- KS-32 Stableton, Ed - Sutton, Emily
- KS-33 Sutton, Eselbert - Todd, Rhoady
- KS-34 Todd, Riley - Walden, Evastus C.
- KS-35 Walden, J. - Whipps, Wm.
- KS-36 Whirlow, Cassius M. - Wise, G.W.
- KS-37 Wise, George - Zwan Ziger, Theresa
Indexes Online
- Neosho County Big Creek Township census
- Neosho County Canville Township census
- Neosho County Mission Township census
- Neosho County Neosho Township census
Printed Indexes
Available in the Historical Society's reference room.
- Osage County
- Ottawa County
- Pottawatomie County
- Riley County
- Saline County
- Wabaunsee County
Printed Indexes
Printed indexes to the microfilm available from the National
Archives are available in the Historical Society's reference room.
- Entire state (reference shelf)
State mortality schedule (reference shelf)
- Bourbon County
- Crawford County
- Davis County
- Dickinson County
- Doniphan County
- Greenwood County
- Johnson County
- Pottawatomie County
- Riley County
- Saline County
- Sedgwick County
- Wabaunsee County
Indexes on Microfilm
The microfilm index circulates through interlibrary loan. Please list the year and reel number when placing an interlibrary loan request.
- KS-1 1 Child - Alexander, E.M.
- KS-2 Alexander, Earl M. - Anderson, Cath
- KS-3 Anderson, Cath - Arnold, Willie
- KS-4 Arnold, Willie - Bailey, E.E.
- KS-5 Bailey, E.E.J. - Banks, H.I.
- KS-6 Banks, H.M. - Bartlett, Jessie
- KS-7 Bartlett, L.M. - Beck, Phoebe
- KS-8 Beck, R.K. - Bennitt, Oscer
- KS-9 Benoist, J. - Binyon, R.L.
- KS-10 Bipps, M. - Bloom, Jacab
- KS-11 Bloom, John - Bottinger, Sophrona
- KS-12 Bottles, Anna - Brady, Patrick
- KS-13 Brady, Peter - Brodt, W.
- KS-14 Brodwell, Ada - Brown, Ross
- KS-15 Brown, Rossella J. - Bunch, Dora
- KS-16 Bunch, E.E. - Butler, Anna
- KS-17 Butler, Annie - Cambell, Lucy
- KS-18 Cambell, Lue W. - Carson, S.S.
- KS-19 Carson, Sallie A. - Champlin, E.
- KS-20 Champlin, E. - Claasen, J.
- KS-21 Clabor, Frank - Cline, Isabella
- KS-22 Cline, J. - Collins, Asenth
- KS-23 Collins, B. - Cook, J.W.
- KS-24 Cook, J.W. - Coulter, Stephen
- KS-25 Coulter, T.J. - Cray, O.
- KS-26 Cray, S.T. - Cunningham, G.W.
- KS-27 Cunningham, G.W. - Darrow, G.A.
- KS-28 Darrow, G.H. - Dawning, T.E.
- KS-29 Dawson, Infant - Denton, M.J.
- KS-30 Denton, Magdalene - Dicnhinsheets, Wm.
- KS-31 Dick, "No Name" - Divelbiss, J.W.
- KS-32 Divelbiss, John - Donkin, Laura L.
- KS-33 Donlaham, A.M. - Douglas, Cyntha
- KS-34 Douglas, D. - Duncan, William
- KS-35 Duncan, William - Eaton, Charles
- KS-36 Eaton, Chas. H. - Egbert, M.
- KS-37 Ege, A.A. - Ellinger, John F.
- KS-38 Ellinger, M. - Emert, Julia
- KS-39 Emery, - Erexson, Jacob
- KS-40 Ergenbright, Adah - Fairman, Francis M.
- KS-41 Fairman, James M. - Fickett, C.
- KS-42 Fickett, F. - Fleming, Jane
- KS-43 Fleming, Jane - Foster, J.B.
- KS-44 Foster, J.C. - Freitag, Carry
- KS-45 Freitag, Chas. - Fuka, Mary
- KS-46 Fulbright, Martha - Gadberry, Nettie
- KS-47 Gadberry, R.H. - Ganson, W.L.
- KS-48 Gant, A.J. - Garrey, George
- KS-49 Garrigues, E.J. - Gates, Fanny
- KS-50 Gates, Flora - Gilbert, Mary
- KS-51 Gilbert, Mary J. - Goerts, Mariah
- KS-52 Goerz, H. - Graham, Fred O.
- KS-53 Graham, G. - Gregg, Jennie
- KS-54 Gregg, John - Gundelfinger, Cora
- KS-55 Gundelfinger, Elizabeth - Hahn, George
- KS-56 Hahn, Gertrude - Hall, Leton
- KS-57 Hall, Lettie - Hankins,
- KS-58 Hankins, (see Hawkins) - Hardy, Wm. D.
- KS-59 Hare, A.P. - Harrington, Augustus
- KS-60 Harrington, C. - Hart, Polly
- KS-61 Hart, R. - Haste, Mary
- KS-62 Haster, Chas. - Hawks, W.E.
- KS-63 Hawl, Ann - Heath, Mary
- KS-64 Heath, Mary - Hellard, Thomas
- KS-65 Hellem, Fredrick - Henry, H.
- KS-66 Henry, H.E. - Higginbottom, Matilda
- KS-67 Higgins, - Hoagland, Ida V.
- KS-68 Hoagland, J. - Hollaway, Mary
- KS-69 Holloway, Mary - Hospitalier, Mary
- KS-70 Hoss, A. - Huelett, W.
- KS-71 Hueltt (?) B. - Hurd, B.M.
- KS-72 Hurd, Bessie - Irwin, L.E.
- KS-73 Irwin, Lafayette - Jeeter, J.E.
- KS-74 Jetter, M.E. - Johnson, Geo. F.
- KS-75 Johnson, George L. - Jones, E.F.
- KS-76 Jones, E. F. - Juvenal, Mary A.
- KS-77 Kabensey, Anne - Kelly, C.T.
- KS-78 Kelly, C.W. - Kerr, S.A.
- KS-79 Kettingnny, Sam - Kirk, Lavina
- KS-80 Kirk, Lucy - Kooch, M.E.
- KS-81 Koofer, Jacob - Lankin, C.E.
- KS-82 Lankin, Cyrus - Layance, Viola
- KS-83 Lave, - Lemon, Alice
- KS-84 Lemon, Aphred - Lindgren, Ida
- KS-85 Lindgren, John - Long, Patrick
- KS-86 Long, Paul - Lull, James M.
- KS-87 Lull, Kate - McCarney, C.
- KS-88 McCarney, Clara - McCray, Rosette
- KS-89 McCray, S.B. - McGrath, William
- KS-90 McGraw, A. - McMillen, A.J.
- KS-91 McMillen, B. - Mahannah, D.M.
- KS-92 Mahannah, Jacob - Marks, F.C.
- KS-93 Marks, Frank - Mason, Abram
- KS-94 Mason, Ada - Mead, Johanna
- KS-95 Mead, John - Meyers, P.E.
- KS-96 Meyers, R. - Miller, M.J.
- KS-97 Miller, M.J. - Mobley, Lou
- KS-98 Mobley, M. - Moore, William
- KS-99 Moore, Wm. - Mortimer, E.
- KS-100 Mortimer, E. - Murphy, M.
- KS-101 Murphy, M. - Neighbors, Martha L.
- KS-102 Neighbors, Mary A. - Nichols, Lura F.
- KS-103 Nichols, M. - Nutt, Eliza
- KS-104 Nutt, Henry - Orcutt, A.M.
- KS-105 Orcutt, Anna - Palmer, Edward
- KS-106 Palmer, Edward - Paton, Nathan
- KS-107 Paton, Nathan - Peltier, Ezekial A.
- KS-108 Peltier, John B. - Pexon, M.A.
- KS-109 Pe-we Sick, Frank - Pitcher, Charles
- KS-110 Pitcher, Delie E. - Pound, R.A.
- KS-111 Pound, R.F. - Pucket, M.J.
- KS-112 Pucket, Mary - Randall, Geo. W.
- KS-113 Randall, H. - Reece, Emily
- KS-114 Reece, Emma A. - Reynolds, Ada A.
- KS-115 Reynolds, Ada B. - Ridenour, E.M.
- KS-116 Ridenour, Endora - Roberts, G.W.
- KS-117 Roberts, G.W. - Rogers, George
- KS-118 Rogers, George - Roly, Irvin
- KS-119 Romain, M.T. - Rosonder, Andrew
- KS-120 Ross, - Row, R.A.
- KS-121 Row, R.A. - Ruger, Razey
- KS-122 Rugg, A.B. - Russell, Rufais
- KS-123 Russell, S. - Sabin, Fannie
- KS-124 Sabin, Frank - Scandrett, Mary
- KS-125 Scanlan, Benjamin - Scott, Curley
- KS-126 Scott, D. - Senne, Christoph
- KS-127 Senne, Dorothia - Sheckell, D.D.
- KS-128 Sheckell, George - Sholz, W.
- KS-129 Shomber, Henry - Simpson, Viola
- KS-130 Simpson, W. - Smith, Abe
- KS-131 Smith, Aberham - Smith, Lizie
- KS-132 Smith, Lizza - Snyder, Cathrine
- KS-133 Snyder, Chas. - Spicklemire, J.
- KS-134 Spicklemire, L. - Stapleton, E.F.
- KS-135 Stapleton, Ella F. - Stevonsson
- KS-136 Steward - Stonebraker, S.
- KS-137 Stonebraker, S.A. - Stutsman, S.C.
- KS-138 Stutsman, S.E. - Sweet, Andrew
- KS-139 Sweet, Ann - Taylor, Lizzie
- KS-140 Taylor, Lizzie - Thomas, Robert P.
- KS-141 Thomas, Robert R. - Tichlofeen, Mary E.
- KS-142 Tichlofeen, Rosa - Treadoff, Mary
- KS-143 Treadway, A.M. - Tutt, Emma
- KS-144 Tutt, Ezra - Vanhorn, Vandiver
- KS-145 Van Horn, Wm. - Wadsack, Geo.
- KS-146 Wadsack, Gustave - Walter, Matilda
- KS-147 Walter, Mina A. - Watkins, Barton
- KS-148 Watkins, Benjamin - Weide (see Weicle)
- KS-149 Weide, E. - Wetherill, A.
- KS-150 Wetherill, C. - Whitehead, Emma
- KS-151 Whitehead, Flora - Wilkinson, West E.
- KS-152 Wilkinson, William W. - Williams, Willie
- KS-153 Williams, Willie - Wilson, Thomas B.
- KS-154 Wilson, Tilton - Wolt
- KS-155 Wolverton, A. - Wray, Charles Brownlow
- KS-156 Wray, Dolly Jane - Young, J.K.
- KS-157 Young, J.L. - Zyke, Mary
Printed Indexes
Available in the Historical Society's reference room.
- Crawford County
- Dickinson County
- Pawnee County
- Phillips County
- Riley County
- Saline County (City of Salina only)
- Sedgwick County
- Wilson County
Indexes on Microfilm
Soundex for each household with a child 10 years or younger available on microfilm. This microfilm does not circulate through interlibrary loan.
Printed Indexes
Available in the Historical Society's reference room.
- State mortality schedule (reference shelf)
- Brown County
- Clark County
- Clay County
- Crawford County
- Davis County
- Dickinson County
- Ellsworth County
- Labette County (City of Parsons only)
- Lane County
- McPherson County
- Marion County
- Marshall County
- Mitchell County
- Montgomery County
- Morris County
- Nemaha County
- Pottawatomie County
- Pratt County
- Reno County
- Republic County
- Riley County
- Wabaunsee County
- Wilson County
Indexes on Microfilm
The microfilm index circulates through interlibrary loan. Please list the year and reel number when placing an interlibrary loan request.
City of Topeka [Shawnee County]
- KS-1 Abarr, Mary - Collisi, Wm.
- KS-2 Collissi, Anna - Guy, John M.
- KS-3 Gray, Jane - Knox, H.W.
- KS-4 Knox, J.T. - Nuthall, William
- KS-5 Nuzum, James - Small, W.B.
- KS-6 Smart, Alice - Wilson, Amanda
- KS-7 Wilson, Andrew - Zufelt, Charles W.
Printed Indexes
Available in the Historical Society's reference room.
- Crawford County
- Dickinson County
- Jefferson County
- Leavenworth County
- Riley County
- Wilson County
- Some counties are available in an online index.
Indexes on Microfilm
Indexes for Clay and Ness counties and the cities of Topeka and Fort Scott, and Soldier and Topeka townships in Shawnee county are available on microfilm. This microfilm circulates through interlibrary loan from KSHS. Please list the year and reel number when placing an interlibrary loan request.
1895 Index - Clay & Ness Counties
- KS-1 Abby, Julie M. - Bewly, Robert
- KS-2 Biehl, Alice - Colvin
- KS-3 Combest, C.C. - Guy, John M.
- KS-4 Guy, Nettie - Louthian, W.A.
- KS-5 Love, Maria - Roenigk, Anna M.
- KS-6 Roenigk, Danial J. - White, A.C.
- KS-7 White, A.E. - Zumpfe, Mary
1895 Index - City of Fort Scott
- KS-8 Abbott, Addie - Gist, Pearl
- KS-9 Gitchel, Cora - Osborn, Charles
- KS-10 Osborn, Elsie - Wold, Martha G.
- KS-11 Wood, Annie - Zimmerman, Ray
1895 Index - City of Topeka, Topeka Township & Soldier Township, all in Shawnee County
- KS-11 Unknown surname, Minnie - Brenner, Gilbert
- KS-12 Brenner, Irene - Culver E.A.
- KS-13 Culver, M.L. - Emert, M.A.
- KS-14 Emery, Alice - Harding, M.C.
- KS-15 Harding, Makhon - Jones, Hattie
- KS-16 Jones, Hazeh - McLamore, W.
- KS-17 McLaughlan, Anne B. - Olson, Neil
- KS-18 Olson, Nelo B. - Sampey, Mirtle
- KS-19 Sampson, J.A. - Sturgess, Mary J.
- KS-20 Suan (see Swan) - Willaims, Nettie
- KS-21 Williams, Nicey - Zook, Zella Nancy
Printed Indexes
Available in the Historical Society's reference room.
- Atchison, City of (book)
- Hutchinson, City of (card index)
- Pittsburg, City of (card index)
- Riley County (book)
- Thomas County (card index)
- Trego County (card index)
- Wilson County (book)
Indexes on Microfilm
Microfilm of the soundex is available in the Historical Society's reference room. This microfilm does not circulate through interlibrary loan.
Printed Indexes
Available in the Historical Society's reference room.
- Elk County
- Riley County
- Wilson County
Indexes on Microfilm
This microfilm circulates through interlibrary loan from KSHS. Please list the year and reel number when placing an interlibrary loan request.
Bourbon County [City of Fort Scott only]
- KS-1 Unknown surname, Mrs. - Foster, Guy
- KS-2 Foster, J.F. - Maberry, Paul
- KS-3 Maberry, Silas - Straler, J.W.
- KS-4 Strater, Alvin M. - Zook, Nettie
Crawford County [City of Pittsburg only]
- KS-41 Abbet, Jennie - Boxley, M.R.
- KS-42 Boxley, W.R. - Gadberry, Lola
- KS-43 Gadberry, Riley - McClenan, Mirtle
- KS-44 McClure, A.E. - Rusing, Lula
- KS-45 Rusmisel, Lizy - Zwinger, E.
Douglas County [City of Lawrence only]
- KS-29 Abbott, Eleanor- Beard, J.W.
- KS-30 Beard, Jane A. - Hamilton, C. ?
- KS-31 Hamilton, Forrest - Myres, Will
- KS-32 Ober, Grace - Whipple, Frank C.
- KS-33 Whipple, Geo. Z. - Zuttermeister, L.
Franklin County [City of Ottawa only]
- KS-39 Abbey - Geisler, Louis
- KS-40 Geisler, Louise - Shawver, Carrie
- KS-41 Shawver, Clara - Zimmerman, Nora
Leavenworth County [City of Leavenworth only]
- KS-33 Sister Dionica - Carson, Leslie
- KS-34 Carson, Leslie - Gill, Merrill
- KS-35 Gillam, Annie - Kaufman, Ida
- KS-36 Kaufmann, Mary - Mullen, Joseph
- KS-37 Mullen, Meria - Seymour, Leo
- KS-38 Shackleford, O. - Wise, Charles G.
- KS-39 Wise, Elizabeth - Zwerlein, Thelka
Reno County [City of Hutchinson only]
- KS-4 Aaron, Albert - Colt, S.F.
- KS-5 Colt, Sophronia - Kent, Ada
- KS-6 Kent, D.W. - Smith, Daisey
- KS-7 Smith, Delia F. - Zook, John
Saline County [City of Salina only]
- KS-45 Abbott, Fred - Bailey, G.G.
- KS-46 Bailey, George - Lill, Mary
- KS-47 Lill, Raymond - Zook, Clarence
Shawnee County [City of Topeka, Topeka Township & Soldier Township only]
- KS-48 Abbey, Nellie - Blossem, Ethel
- KS-49 Blossom, George O. - Close, Mary
- KS-50 Closson, G.W. - Drane, Victor
- KS-51 Dransfield, Edith - Gilchrist, Gertrude
- KS-52 Gilchrist, Gladys - Hering, H.G.(?)
- KS-53 Hering, J.T. - Keil, Alex
- KS-54 Keil, David - McDonald, T.E.
- KS-55 McDonald, W.B. - Morris, Thos.
- KS-56 Morris, W.D. - Poister, J.C.
- KS-57 Poister, Stella - Schwarz, C.H.A.
- KS-58 Schwarz, Mary E. - Stewart, Nina
- KS-59 Stewart, Olivia - Waterbury, Kate
- KS-60 Waters, Andrew - Zutervern, Louie
Sedgwick County [City of Wichita only]
- KS-60 Adelaide, Marie Sister - Adams, Archie
- KS-61 Adams, Austin - Burns, S.S.
- KS-62 Burns, Wayne - Dillon, Lorine
- KS-63 Dillon, Luretta - Greenamyer, Baby
- KS-64 Greenamyer, Guy - Johnson, Leon R.
- KS-65 Johnston, A.R. - Massey, Mabel
- KS-66 Massey, Mary - Pollock, S.C.
- KS-67 Polock, Mary - Slocum, A.R.
- KS-68 Slocum, Clyde C. - Weaver, Zella
- KS-69 Webb, A.H. - Zurling, Joe
Wyandotte County [Cities of Kansas City, Argentine & Rosedale only]
- KS-7 Abbey, C.H. - Anter, Bessie
- KS-8 Anter, Cytha - Bishop, Alberta
- KS-9 Bishop, Alvis - Budke, L.K.
- KS-10 Budke, Willie - Clark, L.
- KS-11 Clark, L.M. - Daniels, Lee A.
- KS-12 Daniels, Lucy - Dyson, Jennie
- KS-13 Eachterberg, Emily - Forword, Herbert
- KS-14 Fosberg, Anna - Gray, Edna
- KS-15 Gray, Ella - Hayes, Nancy
- KS-16 Hayes, Nellie - Howlett, Jenton
- KS-17 Hoyt, Uriah - Jordon, George
- KS-18 Jordon, Jennie - Lash, Herriott
- KS-19 Lasher, Bertha - McCoy, Gladys
- KS-20 McCoy, Grace Ethel - Mathews, Gertrude
- KS-21 Mathews, Grace - Mulvey, Mary
- KS-22 Mulvey, Pat - Pete, Sarah J.
- KS-23 Pete, William - Reid, Allie
- KS-24 Reid, Anna - Scherfield, Lucy
- KS-25 Scherfield, M. - Smith, Anna
- KS-26 Smith, Anna - Sullivan, Jas. F.
- KS-27 Sullivan, Jas. S. - Utter, Ella
- KS-28 Utter, G. - Wilkerson, Cris
- KS-29 Wilkerson, Edith - Zwaschka, Mike
Printed Indexes
Available in the Historical Society's reference room.
- Wilson County
Indexes on Microfilm
Microfilm of Miracode index is available in the Historical Society's reference room. This microfilm does not circulate through interlibrary loan.
Printed Indexes
Available in the Historical Society's reference room.
- Johnson County
- Riley County
Indexes on Microfilm
This microfilm circulates through interlibrary loan from KSHS. Please list the year and reel number when placing an interlibrary loan request.
Bourbon County [City of Fort Scott only]
- 1905 KS-69 Agnes, Sister - Calkins, Henry
- KS-1 Calkins, Mrs. Leonore - Johnson, Margaret
- KS-2 Johnson, Marie Bourbon - Shirley, Goldie
- KS-3 Shirley, Leona - Zimmerman, Harry
Crawford County [City of Pittsburg only]
- KS-36 Abbet, Maude - Bowen, Maie
- KS-37 Bowen, Mauris - Gamble, Myrtle
- KS-38 Gamble, Pansy - McCall, Clara
- KS-39 McCall, Laverne - Russell, Jim
- KS-40 Russell, John - Zollar, S.
Leavenworth County [City of Leavenworth only]
- KS-30 Agatha, Sister - Austin, Jerry
- KS-31 Austin, Susan M. - Davis, Bertha L.
- KS-32 Davis, C.E. - Hansen, Henry
- KS-33 Hansen, John - Laster, Opal
- KS-34 Lastu, ? Raymond - Petty, Anna
- KS-35 Petty, Gladys - Thompson, Fred
- KS-36 Thompson, George A. - Zydek, Rose
Shawnee County [Topeka & Soldier Townships only; does not include city of Topeka]
- KS-41 Abbott, Lloyd - Mark, Herald
- KS-42 Marken, Agusta - Zutavern, Erna
Sedgwick County [City of Wichita only]
- KS-42 Agnesina, M. (Sister) - Anderson, Neil
- KS-43 Anderson, Nelle - Brew, Orville
- KS-44 Brewer, A.H. - Cole, R.E.
- KS-45 Cole, T.C. - Dumont, Raymond
- KS-46 Dunagan, Anna - Giles, Ben
- KS-47 Giles, C.W. - Higgins, Bert L.
- KS-48 Higgins, Cora M. - Kamas, Mary
- KS-49 Kamas, Sam - Long, Melissa
- KS-50 Long, Mildred - Merritt, E.M.
- KS-51 Merritt, Edith - Ortega, Romain
- KS-52 Ortez?, Nicolus - Reibenspies, A.J.
- KS-53 Reibenspies, Clara - Shelton, Bernice
- KS-54 Shelton, Druzilla - Sutton, W.D.
- KS-55 Sutton, Wilbur - Watkins, Mr.
- KS-56 Watkins, Mr. - Young, Frederick R.
- KS-57 Young, G.C. - Zurline, Joe
Wyandotte County [Cities of Kansas City & Rosedale only]
- KS-3 Arron, Alice - Anderson, Naoma
- KS-4 Anderson, Nettie - Beebe, Edna
- KS-5 Beebe, Everet - Bradford, Agnes
- KS-6 Bradford, Carl - Byars, Maria
- KS-7 Byars, Roy B. - Close, F.D.
- KS-8 Close, F.J. - Cunningham, Ida
- KS-9 Cunningham, Ida - Drees, Annie
- KS-10 Drees, Bernard - Fees, Lusie
- KS-11 Fees, Selvia - Garth, Fred
- KS-12 Garth, Mary E. - Griger, J.H.
- KS-13 Grigis, Tom - Hayes, Deloris
- KS-14 Hayes, Dora - Hoshaw, Lizzie
- KS-15 Hoskinson, J.W. - Johnson, Lizzie
- KS-16 Johnson, Lola - Klepac, Louise
- KS-17 Klepac, Mary - Leuenherter, Carrier
- KS-18 Leuenherter, Lilly - McFarland, Lola
- KS-19 McFarland, Louis - Matthews, Orah
- KS-20 Matthews, P.W. - Mosley, Martha
- KS-21 Mosley, Mary - Palic, Ellie
- KS-22 Palice, Fred - Prater, Sarah
- KS-23 Prater, Susan - Roberts, R.W.
- KS-24 Roberts, Rachael - Schmitendorf, L.C.
- KS-25 Schmitendorf, Marjorie - Smith, Bert
- KS-26 Smith, Bertha - Stolzer, John
- KS-27 Stolzer, John W. - Thurston, G.W.
- KS-28 Thurston, Hellen - Ward, Ada
- KS-29 Ward, Aggie - Wiloughby, Andrew
- KS-30 Wilson, ? - Zypka, Vassal
Printed Indexes
Available in the Historical Society's reference room.
- Street address indexes to Atchison, Lawrence, and Topeka
- Card index to Kiowa County
Indexes on Microfilm
Microfilm of the Miracode index is available in the Historical Society's reference room. This microfilm does not circulate through interlibrary loan.
Indexes on Microfilm
This microfilm circulates through interlibrary loan from KSHS. Please list the year and reel number when placing an interlibrary loan request.
Shawnee County [Topeka & Soldier Townships only; does not include city of Topeka]
- 1915 KS-57 Abbott, Lucy A. - Gutsch, Martha
- KS-1 Hafner, Annie - Price, Lavon
- KS-2 Price, Leona - Zwubel, G.W.
Printed Indexes
Street address indexes (available in the research center)
- Abilene
- Arkansas City
- Atchison
- Chanute
- Coffeyville
- Dodge City
- El Dorado
- Emporia
- Fort Scott
- Great Bend
- Hutchinson
- Independence
- Iola
- Junction City
- Kansas City
- Lawrence
- Leavenworth
- McPherson
- Manhattan
- Newton
- Olathe
- Ottawa
- Parsons
- Pittsburg
- Salina
- Topeka
- Wellington
- Wichita
- Winfield
The index to the 1930 census is on Ancestry (by subscription).
The index to the 1940 census is on Family Search.