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1855-1859 Kansas Territory Censuses

1855 census pageSeveral censuses were taken in Kansas Territory between 1855 and 1859. All are on microfilm, and are available through our interlibrary loan program. Please see our reference correspondence policy for the reference assistance we are able to provide.


The 1855 census, called by the governor, lists the inhabitants of Kansas Territory by election districts. There is a map at the beginning of the microfilm showing the location of the election districts.

Reel K-1 - Districts are filmed in the following order: 1-4; 7-8; 5-6; 9-13; 15; 14; and 16-17

Reel KS-1 - Index to entire state. The index is also available in book form at the research center.


The 1856, 1857 and 1858 censuses are all on the same reel of microfilm. A combined index is available in book form at the research center.

Reel K-1 - An unidentified unofficial census of the voters in the Fourth District containing parts of Douglas, Johnson and Franklin Counties.


The 1856, 1857 and 1858 censuses are all on the same reel of microfilm. A combined index is available in book form at the research center.

Reel K-1 - A census of all free male citizens over 21 years of age residing in Kansas Territory, and all other white persons actually residing within their respective counties during the month of March, 1857. However, the only names listed are the legal voters and the head of family, if different from legal voter.

Allen County
Anderson County
Atchison County
Bourbon, Dorn, McGee Counties (listed together)
Brown County
Calhoun County (changed to Jackson in 1859)
Cherokee County (see McGee)
Davis County (changed to Geary in 1889)
Doniphan County
Dorn County (see Bourbon, above)
Douglas County
Geary County (see Davis)
Jackson County (see Calhoun)
Jefferson County
Johnson County
Labette County (see Bourbon, above)
Leavenworth County
Linn County
Lykins County (changed to Miami in 1861)
Marshall County
Miami County (see Lykins above)
Nemaha County
Neosho County (see Bourbon, above)
Pottawatomie County
Riley County
Shawnee Indian Census of 1857


The 1856, 1857 and 1858 censuses are all on the same reel of microfilm. A combined index is available in book form at the research center.

Reel K-1 - A census taken in specific locations of Kansas Territory of all inhabitants over the age of 21 who are entitled to vote. The only returns existing from this census are for part of Johnson County and all of Marshall County


A combined index to 1856-1859 censuses is available in book form at the research center.

Reel K-1 - A census of the inhabitants of Kansas Territory taken on June 1, 1859. The only names listed are the legal voters and the head of family if different from the legal voter.

Allen County
Anderson County
Atchison County
Bourbon County
Brown County
Breckinridge County (changed to Lyon in 1862)
Butler County
Chase County
Coffey County
Davis County (changed to Geary in 1889)
Doniphan County
Douglas County
Franklin County
Geary County (see Davis above)
Greenwood County
Hunter County (became part of Butler)
Jackson County
Jefferson County
Johnson County
Leavenworth County
Linn County
Lykins County (changed to Miami in 1861)
Lyons County (see Breckinridge above)
Madison County
Marshall County
Miami County (see Lykins)
Morris County
Nemaha County
Pottawatomie County
Shawnee County
Wabaunsee County
Washington County
Woodson County
Wyandotte County