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Valentine Diners - Colorado - Colorado Springs 01

Jos diner.

Colorado Springs, Colorado

  • Business name: Mr. B's BBQ
  • Street address: 132 West Cimarron
  • Open or closed: Temporarily closed
  • History: This diner has been open under several names and owners since 1954. Glenn and Margaret Richards ran it as Richard's Grill until 1975 (though it sat at a different location until 1965). Irene and Louis Knapik called it the Lunch Box from 1976 to 1981. Martin Patrick ran it as Chuck's Stop Cafe from 1982 to 1992, when it was sold to Darlene Vigil. Following Vigil's death in 2000, Tom Fincham purchased the diner and it has been rented to operators since then.
  • Operators since Fincham's purchase have included Moneka Davis, who ran it as Mo's Rainbow Grill; Mark and Lorraine Nigbur who called it Mr. Big's; Leroy Rael--son of Darlene Vigil--who called it Darlene's Chuck Stop; and Jo-Etta Parada who operated it as Jo's Diner. Stephen P. Gargon next operated it as Stevie G's. The current operator is Ivan Brookard.

    This diner was temporarily closed in late 2008 for repairs caused by an automobile accident.

  • Model / serial number: Little Chef / Unknown
  • Additional images:
    Exterior, opposite side
    Exterior as Mo's Rainbow Grill
    Business card, Chuck's Stop Cafe

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Entry: Valentine Diners - Colorado - Colorado Springs 01

Author: Kansas Historical Society

Author information: The Kansas Historical Society is a state agency charged with actively safeguarding and sharing the state's history.

Date Created: July 2014

Date Modified: July 2014

The author of this article is solely responsible for its content.